Werner Kahl

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Werner Kahl (* 1962 in Essen ) is a German theologian .


From 1983 to 1989 he studied Protestant theology in Bochum , Göttingen and as an exchange student at Emory University in Göttingen . He completed a doctorate ( Doctor of Philosophy ) in New Testament Studies there from 1989 to 1992, completing his dissertation New Testament Miracle Stories in Their Religious-Historical Setting: A Religionsgeschichtliche Comparison From a Structural Perspective . From 1992 to 1999 he was vicar and pastor in Essen and Duisburg . From 1999 to 2002 he was a postdoctoral fellow of the German Research Foundation , field researcher in Ghana and lecturer in New Testament at the University of Ghana . From 2003 to 2004 he was a professor for the New Testament at the University of Kassel .

After completing the habilitation process at the Goethe University in 2004 with the work: Jesus as a lifesaver. He teaches African Bible interpretations and their relevance for New Testament research as an adjunct professor in Frankfurt am Main . Since 2006 he has been head of studies at the Mission Academy at the University of Hamburg .

His research and teaching focuses on intercultural biblical hermeneutics , cultural exegesis in Africa, understanding miracles, synoptic gospels, migrant and regional churches, Pentecostal Christianity in Africa, ethnology and exegesis, semiotic exegesis, and Islam and Christianity.

Works (selection)

  • New Testament Miracle Stories in their Religious-Historical Setting: A Religionsgeschichtliche Comparison from a Structural Perspective ( FRLANT 163), Göttingen 1994.
  • Jesus as the savior. African Biblical Interpretations and their Relevance for New Testament Science ( New Testament Studies on Contextual Exegesis , Vol. 2), Frankfurt 2007.
  • Mission intercultural. Festschrift for the 50th anniversary of the Mission Academy ( Perspektiven der Weltmission 35), Aachen 2008.
  • Growing together. Shaping global ecumenism in Germany ( Weltmission heute 73), Hamburg 2011.
  • Counterviolence ( Supplement Intercultural Theology 15), Leipzig 2012.
  • Life disorders and healings. Traditional methods of bringing things into order from Christ to Mami Wata ( studies on intercultural theology at Missionsakademie 1), Hamburg 2013.
  • The Bible in the prism of ecumenical contexts ( Theological Impetus of the Missionsakademie 2), Hamburg 2013.
  • Ecumenical case studies on homosexuality and the church / Ecumenical case studies on homosexuality and the church ( Theologische Impulse der Missionsakademie 3), Hamburg 2013.
  • Intercultural opening of the church. Documentation of the conference "Church in Intercultural Society" ( Theological Impulse of the Mission Academy 9), Hamburg 2015.
  • Fear of Witches in Africa ( Theological Impetus of Missionsakademie 10), Hamburg 2015.
  • Study Koran Vol. 1: The early Meccan suras - arranged chronologically, shown in rhyme schemes and translated close to the text ( Studies on Intercultural Theology at the Missionsakademie , Vol. 7), Hamburg 2015.
  • About interweaving what is one's own with what is foreign. Impulses for a transcultural re-formation of Protestant community life ( Studies on Intercultural Theology at the Missionsakademie , Vol. 9), Hamburg 2016.
  • From the end of the two-source theory or: To clarify the synoptic problem. Transparent-extra 75/2004, pp. 1–36 ( PDF; 421 KB, 36 pages on canities-news.de)

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