Werner Röhr

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Werner Röhr (born September 27, 1941 in Berlin ) is a German philosopher and historian .

Röhr studied history and philosophy at the Humboldt University in Berlin . In January 1971 he submitted his PhD A on Arnold Gehlen's philosophy of institutions with Wolfgang Heise and Lothar Kühne . In 1976 he received his PhD B on the Marxist-Leninist concept of appropriation and its significance for the development of the theory of socialist personality and for the determination of the theoretical and ideological foundations of socialist educational planning.

From 1977 Röhr worked as a research assistant at the Central Institute for Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the GDR in East Berlin . In 1981 he was transferred to prison for political reasons. Rohr had a conversation circle around the philosopher Peter Ruben belongs, which is a modernized, operationalization Marxism as an improved basis of the GDR - socialism went. This brought the group into conflict with the SED . Röhr showed solidarity with politically disciplined colleagues, was expelled from the SED and transferred to the Central Institute for History of the Academy of Sciences. Here he worked as a researcher until 1991 and was mainly concerned with the fascist occupation policy during the Second World War . From 1994 to 1996 he was visiting professor at the Wysza Skola Pedagogiczna in Zielona Góra .

In 1992 Röhr initiated the Berlin Society for Research on Fascism and World War II. V. and served as managing director until 1999. From 1993 until the end of its publication in 2008, Röhr published the historical journal Bulletin for Fascism and World War Studies, which was published by his scientific publisher edition organon . In his publications he mainly deals with fascist occupation politics. In 2011/12 he presented a two-volume account of the history of the GDR after 1990.


As an author:

  • Arnold Gehlen's Philosophy of Institutions , [Berlin] 1971, DNB 751201502 ( Dissertation A HU Berlin, Faculty of Social Sciences, 1971, XII, 248 counted sheets, 4 °).
  • Acquisition and Personality. Study of the theoretical-methodological significance of the Marxist-Leninist conception of appropriation for the philosophical theory of personality. Akademie Verlag , Berlin 1979 ( Dissertation B at the Humboldt University Berlin 1976 under the title: Appropriation and Personality: About the Marxist-Leninist concept of appropriation and its significance for the development of the theory of socialist personality and for the determination of theoretical-ideological foundations socialist educational planning ), DNB 780711335 .
  • Panta Rhei. Lectures on ancient philosophy. Edition Organon, Berlin 2004, ISBN 3-931034-04-6 .
  • September 1938. The Sudeten German Party and its Freikorps. Edition Organon, Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3-931034-06-1 .
  • From Annaberg to Gleiwitz. On the history of the German attack on Poland on September 1, 1939. Edition Organon, Berlin 2009, ISBN 978-3-931034-13-9 .
  • Settlement: The end of the history of the GDR. 2 volumes. Edition Organon, Berlin 2011/2012, ISBN 978-3-931034-14-6 (Volume 1) and ISBN 978-3-931034-16-0 (Volume 2).
  • People's government in Chile 1970–73: Disputes between Chilean socialists and the Unidad Popular. VSA , Hamburg 2013, ISBN 978-3-89965-974-0 .
  • Research on fascism in the mirror of criticism. , Aurora, Berlin 2014, ISBN 978-3-359-02536-8 .
  • The Turkish genocide against the Armenians 1915/16: On the casuistry of its denial in the present . VSA, Hamburg 2015, ISBN 978-3-89965-983-2 .
  • Hundred years of German war debt debate. From White Paper 1914 to Today's Historical Revisionism VSA, Hamburg 2015, ISBN 978-3-89965-650-3 .
  • War in East or West? The decision of the Hitler government to invade Poland and the German-Soviet non-aggression treaty of August 23, 1939 . In: Christoph Koch (Ed.): Was there a Stalin-Hitler pact? , Peter Lang 2015, ISBN 978-3-631-66422-3 , pp. 139–193.

As editor:

  • Appellation to the audience ... documents on the atheism dispute over Fichte, Forberg, Niethammer. Jena 1798/99. Reclam, Leipzig 1987, ISBN 3-379-00074-4 .
  • The fascist occupation policy in Poland (1939–1945) (= Europe under the swastika. The occupation policy of German fascism (1938–1945). Eight-volume document edition. Vol. 2). Document selection and introduction by Werner Röhr. Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften , Berlin 1989, ISBN 3-326-00294-7 .
  • Fascism and racism. Controversies over ideology and sacrifice. Akademie Verlag, Berlin 1992, ISBN 3-05-001852-6 .
  • Occupation and collaboration (1938–1945): Contributions to the concepts and practice of collaboration in German occupation policy. Compiled and introduced by Werner Röhr. Hüthig, Berlin / Heidelberg 1994, ISBN 3-8226-2492-6 .
  • with Brigitte Berlekamp: “Reorganization of Europe”. Lectures at the Berlin Society for Research on Fascism and World War II 1992–1996. Edition Organon, Berlin 1996, ISBN 3-931034-00-3 .
  • with Brigitte Berlekamp: Death or Survival? New research on the history of the Ravensbrück concentration camp. Edition Organon, Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-931034-03-8 .
  • with Brigitte Berlekamp, Karl Heinz Roth : The war before the war. Economics and politics of the "peaceful" aggressions of Germany 1938/1939 . VSA, Hamburg 2001, ISBN 3-87975-837-9 .
  • Günther Wieland : Nazi crimes and German criminal justice. Edition Organon, Berlin 2004, ISBN 3-931034-07-0 .
  • with Karl Schmückle : Encounters with Don Quixote . Selected Writings. Argument Verlag , Hamburg 2014 (= Berlin Contributions to Critical Theory Volume 17), ISBN 978-3-86754-103-9


  • Lothar Mertens : Lexicon of the GDR historians. Biographies and bibliographies on the historians from the German Democratic Republic. Saur, Munich 2006, ISBN 3-598-11673-X .

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