Werner W. Wittmann

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Werner W. Wittmann

Werner W. Wittmann (born January 11, 1944 in Eger ) is a German psychologist , evaluation researcher and research methodologist .


Werner W. Wittmann grew up in Nuremberg , where he graduated from high school in 1964 . He studied psychology at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (diploma in 1972) and received his doctorate in 1977 with a thesis on factor-analytical models, method studies and problems of reproducibility. In his habilitation in 1984 he dealt with the subject of evaluation research, which was published in 1985 as a book by Springer-Verlag. From 1973 to 1984 Werner W. Wittmann was a research assistant at the Psychological Institute of the University of Freiburg at the Chair of Personality Psychology ( Jochen Fahrenberg ), and in 1984 he was appointed to a temporary professorship with a focus on methodology. From 1988 to 1993 he was a C2 professor at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg and from 1993 to his retirement in 2009 he held the Chair of Psychology II, Methods, Diagnostics and Evaluation at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the university Mannheim . His interest in collaborative research projects, teaching and international exchange led to several visiting professorships, including a. at the universities of Heidelberg , Berlin (FU), Bern , Friborg (Switzerland), Vienna and San Diego ( SDSU ). From 2006 to 2009 Werner Wittmann was head of the Otto Selz Institute at the University of Mannheim and then head of a department for evaluation, diagnostics and methods at the same institute. Werner W. Wittmann is / was a member of the editorial board of several specialist journals, u. a. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, Journal for Personal Psychology, Diagnostica, Applied Measurement and Practice Clinical Behavioral Medicine and Rehabilitation.


The focus of Werner Wittmann's work is the attempt to combine the sometimes contradicting methods and goals of experimental and non-experimental research approaches in the social and behavioral sciences. His work is based fundamentally on the work of Lee Cronbach , Donald T. Campbell , Thomas D. Cook , RF Boruch, Egon Brunswik , L. Sechrest, Gene V. Glass, Raymond Bernard Cattell and Kenneth R. Hammond .

The central research and epistemological focus of Werner Wittmann's work are the considerations on a multivariate theory of reliability and validity (in particular Wittmann, 1985, 1988). It was proposed as a possible solution to the general covariation problem described by Jochen Fahrenberg (Fahrenberg, 1982) of the multimethod approach in psychological diagnostics (so-called multitrait multimethod MTMM approach ). The core is the model of 4, later 5 data boxes (Five-Box-Model, Wittmann, 1990), a model for the conception, implementation and evaluation of evaluation studies, which was mainly used in rehabilitation and intelligence research. It is based on the Cattell data box BDRM Basic Data Relation Matrix (Raymond Cattell, 1966) and Brunswik's lens model (Brunswik, 1956); in addition to the five related data boxes, the principle of symmetry and the principle of data aggregation are essential.

Werner Wittmann's integrative thinking made him a pioneer of evaluation research in Germany, opened up new perspectives for solving fundamental challenges in translational research methodology, and made him a pioneer of evidence-based decisions in health care. In recognition of his contributions to evaluation research, Werner Wittmann received the F. Lazarsfeld Award for Evaluation Theory of the American Evaluation Association in 2005.

Research focus:

  • Psychological methodology, multivariate reliability and validity theory
  • Evaluation research, especially in the field of medical rehabilitation, with a focus on psychosomatic rehabilitation, here several large program evaluation studies together with Jürgen Schmidt and Rüdiger Nübling, etc. a. “Zauberbergstudien”, EQUA study, Bad Herrenalber catamnesis study and comprehensive: meta-analysis of psychosomatic rehabilitation, MESTA study
  • Meta-analysis of the effects of German-language psychotherapy together with Georg E. Matt
  • Development of several assessment procedures, etc. a. ZUF8 (Schmidt et al. 1989), FPTM (Nübling et al., 2006)
  • Most recently, strong commitment in the context of outpatient psychotherapeutic health care research, which is currently being developed, together with Wolfgang Lutz leading the so-called TK project on behalf of Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) and, together with Bernhard Strauss, leading the pilot study QS-PSY-BAY on behalf of Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians in Bavaria (Wittmann et al. 2012 etc.)
  • Brunswik symmetry as a key concept of successful psychological research: Studies on the connection between working memory and intelligence, intelligence and complex problem solving, intelligence and school grades, and the predictive validity of personality traits (extraversion, introversion).


A selection of the fonts:

  • Wittmann, WW: Factor analytical models, method studies and problems of reproducibility . Dissertation, University, Philosophical Faculty, Freiburg i. Br. (1977).
  • Wittmann, WW (1985). Evaluation research. Tasks, problems and applications. Berlin: Springer.
  • Matt, GE & Wittmann, WW (1985). On the status quo of controlled German-language psychotherapy effects research from the perspective of a meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 14 (4), 293-312.
  • Wittmann, WW & Matt, GE (1986). Meta-analysis as the integration of research results using the example of German-language papers on the effectiveness of psychotherapy. Psychological Rundschau, 37 (1), 20–40.
  • Wittmann, WW (1987). Basics of successful research in psychology: multimodal diagnostics, multiplism, multivariate reliability and validity theory. Diagnostica, 33 (3), 209-226.
  • Schmidt, J., Bernhard, P., Wittmann, WW & Lamprecht, F. (1987). The distinction between singular and multiple result criteria. A contribution to the problem of criteria in the evaluation. In F. Lamprecht (Ed.), Specialization and Integration in Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy. German College for Psychosomatic Medicine, 6. – 8. March 1986 (pp. 293-299). Berlin: Springer.
  • Wittmann, WW (1988): Multivariate Reliability Theory. Principles of symmetry and successful validation strategies . In JR Nesselroade & RB Cattell (Eds.), Handbook of multivariate experimental psychology (pp. 505-560). New York: Plenary Press.
  • Schweizer, K. & Wittmann, W. (1989). An evaluation of the replicability of psychophysiological relations for aggregate data. Personality and Individual Differences, 10 (4), 427-435.
  • Wittmann, WW (1990). Brunswik symmetry and the design of the five data boxes. A framework for comprehensive evaluation research. Journal of Educational Psychology, 4 (4), 241–251.
  • Koch, U. & Wittmann, WW (Eds.). (1990). Evaluation research. Evaluation basis of social and health programs. Berlin: Springer.
  • Wittmann, WW (1995). The significance of Brunswik-Symmetry for psychological research and assessment. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 11 (1), 59-60.
  • Cook, TD & Wittmann, WW (1998). Lessons learned about evaluation in the United States and some possible implications for Europe. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 14 (2), 97–115.
  • Nübling, R., Schmidt, J. & Wittmann, WW (1999). Long-term results of psychosomatic rehabilitation. Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics, Medical Psychology, 343–353.
  • Wittmann, WW & Suess, H.-M. (1999). Investigating the paths between working memory, intelligence, knowledge, and complex problem-solving performances via Brunswik symmetry. In PL Ackerman, PC Kyllonen & RD Roberts (Eds.), Learning and individual differences (pp. 77-108). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
  • Schmidt, J., Nübling, R. & Wittmann, WW (2000). Results of psychosomatic rehabilitation based on five program evaluation studies. Practice Clinical Behavioral Medicine and Rehabilitation, 13 (52), 32–47.
  • Wittmann, WW, Nübling, R. & Schmidt, J. (2002). Evaluation research and program evaluation in health care. Journal for Evaluation, 39–60.
  • Suss, H.-M., Oberauer, K., Wittmann, WW, Wilhelm, O. & Schulze, R. (2002). Working memory capacity explains reasoning ability - and a little bit more. Intelligence, 30, 261-288.
  • Völkle, MC, Ackerman, P. & Wittmann, WW (2007). Effect sizes and F ratios <1.0. Sense or nonsense? Methodology: European Journal of Research Methods for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, 3, 35-46.
  • Schmidt, J., Steffanowski, A., Nübling, R., Lichtenberg, S. & Wittmann, WW (2003). Quality of results of inpatient psychosomatic rehabilitation. Comparison of different evaluation strategies. Regensburg: Roderer.
  • Beauducel, A. & Wittmann, WW (2005). Simulation study on fit indices in confir-matory factor analysis based on data with slightly distorted simple structure. Structural Equation Modeling, 12, 41-75.
  • Nübling, R., Schulz, H., Schmidt, J., Koch, U. & Wittmann, WW (2006). Psychotherapy Motivation Questionnaire (FPTM) - Test Design and Quality Criteria. In R. Nübling, FA Muthny & J. Bengel (eds.), Rehabilitation Motivation and Treatment Expectation (pp. 252–270). Bern: Huber.
  • Wittmann, WW & Klumb, PL (2006). How to fool yourself with experiments in testing psychological theories. In RR Bootzin & PE McKnight (Eds.), Strengthening Research Methodology: Psychological Measurement and Evaluation (pp. 185-211). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
  • Steffanowski, A., Löschmann, C., Schmidt, J., Wittmann, WW & Nübling, R. (2007). Meta-analysis of the effects of inpatient psychosomatic rehabilitation. Mesta study. Bern: Huber.
  • Hunt, E. & Wittmann, W. (2008). National intelligence and national prosperity. Intelligence, 36 (1), 1-9.
  • Strauss, BM, Lutz, W., Steffanowski, A. Wittmann, WW, Boehnke, JR, Rubel, J., Scheidt, CE, Caspar, F., Vogel, H., Altmann, U., Steyer, R., Zimmermann, A., Bruckmayer, E., Von Heymann, F., Kramer, D. & Kirchmann H. Psychotherapy Research (2014). Benefits and challenges in practice-oriented psychotherapy research in Germany: The TK and the QS-PSY-BAY projects of quality assurance in outpatient psychotherapy. Psychotherapy Research, doi : 10.1080 / 10503307.2013.856046 .
  • Kaufmann, E., Reips U.-D., Wittmann WW (2013). A critical meta-analysis of Lens Model studies in human judgment and decision-making. PLoS ONE 8 (12): e83528. doi : 10.1371 / journal.pone.0083528
  • Kaufmann, E., Wittmann WW, Sheng-Ju Chan (2018): Underestimated Swiss STEM potential? Bright light on an international PISA comparison

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