Wilfried Feichtinger

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Wilfried Feichtinger (born October 19, 1950 in Vienna ; † June 3, 2021 in Perchtoldsdorf ) was an Austrian gynecologist specializing in artificial insemination .


From 1977 to 1982 Feichtinger was at the II. Univ. Gynecological clinic at the Vienna General Hospital ; In 1983 he founded a private institute for endocrinology of reproduction and in vitro fertilization (IVF) in Vienna, now called the dream baby center, called the institute for the desire to have children .

Feichtinger, together with his colleagues Peter Kemeter and Stephan Szalay, achieved the first successful artificial insemination in Austria in 1981, the sixth country in the world where an IVF baby was born. Since then he has been active in both research and patient care: 1984 Development of the ultrasound-directed transvaginal follicle puncture in cooperation with Kretz-Technik. This method saves women the incision through the abdominal wall and is state of the art .

In 1990 he introduced the laser-assisted "hatching aid" for easier implantation of the fertilized egg cell in the uterus ( assisted hatching ) and developed a suitable laser device with the LISA-Laser company. In 2000, the ultrasound process was further developed to enable the first live 3D view of mature egg cells.

In 2005 the first successful pre-implantation diagnosis was carried out together with the geneticist Markus Hengstschläger . Feichtinger developed a laser with the help of which the polar body of the egg cell is separated, which is then examined for possible genetic defects.

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Individual evidence

  1. IVF pioneer Feichtinger has died. In: ORF.at . June 3, 2021, accessed June 3, 2021 .
  2. IVF pioneer Wilfried Feichtinger has died. June 4, 2021, accessed June 4, 2021 .