Wilfried Schlagenhauf

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Wilfried Schlagenhauf (born June 29, 1952 in Tuttlingen ) is a German pedagogue and technology didactician .


After graduating from high school in 1972, Schlagenhauf pursued a teaching degree from 1973 to 1978 , initially for elementary and secondary schools at the PH Freiburg and then for secondary schools at the PH Schwäbisch Gmünd . Subsequently, from 1979 to 1995 he was active in teaching at secondary schools in Baden-Württemberg . From 1981 to 1988 he completed a diploma graduate course Education at the Freiburg University and received his final degree in education .

In 1988 there was a partial secondment to the PH Freiburg. There he was a research assistant from 1995 to 1998. In 1997 the doctorate to Dr. paed. with the dissertation Historical Development Lines of the Relationship between Realschule and Technical Education . From 1998 to 2001 there was another secondment to the PH Freiburg for the purpose of the habilitation .

In 2001 he accepted a professorship for technology and its didactics at the PH Heidelberg . In 2004 he followed a call to the chair of technology and its didactics at the University of Education Freiburg. Until his retirement in 2019, Schlagenhauf was head of the technology department at the Institute for Chemistry, Physics, Technology and its Didactics at the PH Freiburg.

He is a member of the board of the German Society for Technical Education (DGTB) and heads the DGTB's Department of Fundamental Issues .

Research priorities

Schlagenhauf deals with approaches, structures, development opportunities in general technical science and assessment from a technical didactic point of view. He also deals with educational standards and the content of technical education.

Publications (selection)

  • Technology lessons - structural features and impulses for teaching practice. In: Bernd Geißel, Tobias Gschwendtner (ed.): Effective technology lessons. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verl. Hohengehren , 2018, pp. 127–140.
  • Everyday technology as a subject of technology lessons. In: tu - magazine for technology in the classroom. H. 158, 2015, pp. 5-11.
  • Child and technology. Planning, designing, manufacturing, evaluating: Technology in primary schools must, on the one hand, promote the individual skills of children in this area and, on the other hand, meet the challenges of our technical world. What are the prerequisites but also the obstacles to implementation? In: The primary school magazine. H. 272, 273, 2014, pp. 31-33.
  • Methods of teaching technology - situation analysis and development prospects. In: tu - magazine for technology in the classroom. H. 147, 2013, pp. 9-16.
  • Technical education content. Considerations about their origin, legitimation and systematics. In: tu - magazine for technology in the classroom. H. 133, 2009, pp. 5-13.
  • Perspectives on Technology Education in Germany and the situation today. In: Lars Lindström (Ed.): Technology Education in New Perspectives. Research, assessment and curriculum development. Festschrift for Witold Rogala. Stockholm 2005, ISBN 91-7656-429-0 , pp. 87-96.
  • Technology theory and technology didactics. Considerations for a tense relationship. In: G. Banse, B. Meier, H. Wolffgramm (eds.): Technological images and technological concepts in change - a technical-philosophical and general technical analysis. (= Report number FZKA. 6697). Research Center Karlsruhe, Technology and Environment, Karlsruhe 2002, pp. 141–148, ISSN  0947-8620 .
  • Historical lines of development of the relationship between secondary school and technical education: from the beginnings to the middle of the 20th century. Lang, Frankfurt am Main 1997, ISBN 3-631-32512-6 .

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