Wilhelm Adrian von Horn

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Wilhelm Adrian von Horn
Epitaph for Wilhelm Adrian von Horn in St. Victor in Batenburg

Wilhelm Adrian von Horn , also Wilhelm Adrian Graf von Hornes (* approx. 1633 in Kessel (Limburg) , † March 4, 1694 ) was a Dutch general of the artillery.


Wilhelm Adrian von Horn came from the Dutch aristocratic Horn family . He was the son of Johann Belgicus Graf von Horne, Baron von Kessel and Batenburg, who had died before 1664 and had been married to Johanne von Bronchorst and Batenburg, whom Batenburg had brought into their marriage as an inheritance , since 1632 .

Wilhelm Adrian von Horn became Dutch general of the artillery in the Dutch War and was governor of Hulst .

An epitaph was set for him in the reformed Oude Sint-Victorkerk in Batenburg in the municipality of Wijchen .


His marriage to Anna Justina von Nassau (1638–1721) in 1659 resulted in three daughters:
