Wilhelm Fernbach

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Wilhelm Fernbach , Italianized Guglielmo Fernbach , (born February 23, 1826 in Munich , † March 16, 1884 in Milan ) was a German painter .


Wilhelm Fernbach was the son of the painter Franz Xaver Fernbach (1793-1851). From November 1843 he studied painting at the Munich Art Academy . He left Germany around 1856 and settled in Verona , where he married Rosa Contro (1829–1908). Several children emerged from this marriage, including the painter Ermanno Fernbach (1859–1933) and the photographer Alfred François Fernbach (1867–1941)

Works (selection)


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  1. Matriculation entry .
  2. Cheerful feelings on arrival in the country. Images of Swabian country life in the 19th century . Tübingen 1983, p. 92 Fig. 33.
  3. ^ Pietro Canetta: Notes storico-biografiche dei benefattori dell'Ospedale Maggiore di Milano . Milan 1880, p. 256.