Wilhelm IV of Pappenheim

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Epitaph Wilhelm IV von Pappenheim in the town church St. Marien in Pappenheim

Wilhelm IV of Pappenheim ( February 4, 1569 - April 16, 1621 ) was a marshal of the Pappenheim family in Bavaria and builder of the Upper Castle in Markt Berolzheim .


Wilhelm IV was the son of Wolfgang II of Pappenheim († 1585) and his wife Magdalena von Pappenheim († 1602). Like his brother Wolfgang Christoph, he also studied in Altdorf and Geneva and undertook several country trips , including two trips to Italy . It is reported about him that he was well trained in instrumental music as well as "in all aristocratic exercises". Around the year 1600 he built the Upper Castle in Markt Berolzheim "in the French manner, from scratch". Like the rest of the town, this fell victim to imperial troops in 1632 and was destroyed.

Since his marriage to Euphrosina von Wallenfels did not result in any children, he bequeathed his considerable fortune to his brother Wolfgang Christoph after his death in 1621. Wilhelm was buried in the city church in Pappenheim. Its epitaph bears the following inscription:

“Anno Domini 1621, April 16, died the well-born Lord, Mr. WILHELM, Hereditary Marshal of the Holy Roman Empire, Mr. zu Pappenheim and Graefenthal, on Rotenstein, Calden and Berolsheim. Lord your eyes are on faith! Jerem. V. "

- M. Johann Alexander Doederlein


  • Hans Schwackenhofer: The Reichserbmarschalls, counts and gentlemen from and to Pappenheim . Walter E. Keller, Berlin 2002, ISBN 3-934145-12-4 , pp. 160-161 .
  • M. Johann Alexander Döderlein: Historical news of the very old high-priced house of the imperial and the realm marshals of Palatine, and the married and dermahligen realm hereditary marshals, lords and counts of Pappenheim, etc. Johann Jacob Enderes, Hoch-Fürstl. privil. Book dealer, 1739, p. 262–264 ( full text in Google Book Search).

Individual evidence

  1. a b M. Johann Alexander Döderlein: Historical news of the very old, high-priced house of the imperial and imperial marshals of Palatine, and the married and former imperial hereditary marshals, lords and counts of Pappenheim, etc. Schwabach 1739 ( full text in Google book search).