Wilhelm Kopp (physician)

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Wilhelm Kopp (also Wilhelm Koch, Gulielmus Copus, Guillaume Copus) (* around 1461 in Basel ; † 1532 ) worked from 1512 in Paris as personal physician to the French kings Louis XII. and Franz I.

Around 1474 he was a student of Johannes Heberling , who at that time was listening to Johannes Reuchlin's lectures in Basel . In 1496/97 he looked after Erasmus von Rotterdam in Paris as a doctor and friend.

Kopp is documented in 1500 in Venice and in 1513, 1520, 1523 and 1527 in Paris. In 1510 he translated a work by Paulus of Aigina , Praecepta salubria (7th century).

One of his sons was Nicolas Cop .


Individual evidence

  1. Pauli eginetae p [rae] CEPTA Salubria Guilielmo Copo Basileiensi interprete (1512); Digitized version of the Bibliothèque nationale de France .