Wilhelm Mulder

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Wilhelm Mülder (* 1952 ) is a German business informatics specialist , university professor for business informatics and specialist book author.


In 1970 he began an apprenticeship as a banker and from 1972 to 1973 did his basic military service in the German armed forces. Mülder then studied business administration at the University of Essen until 1978 and graduated with a degree in business administration. From then on he was a research assistant at the chair for business IT at the University of Essen. This was followed by the doctorate to Dr. rer. pole. with the text Organizational Implementation of Computer-Aided Personnel Information Systems in 1984. From 1985 to 1991 Wilhelm Mülder was responsible for the development of two software and consulting companies. Since 1991 he has been professor for business informatics in the economics department of the Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences in Mönchengladbach and employee of the Society for Informatics in Bonn . In 2006 he became Vice President (Vice President) of the Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences for research and transfer. In addition, he has been Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board of InVision Software AG since February 4, 2002 .

Works (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.competence-site.de/cc/lösungen.nsf/haben/M2282-Wilhelm-Muelder
  2. http://www.invisionwfm.com/de/deu/about_invision/management