Wilhelm Risse

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Wilhelm Risse (born January 1, 1931 near Weimar ; † May 26, 1998 in Homburg ) was one of the most important experts in the history of logic .

Risse studied philosophy at the Free University of Berlin and in Cologne, did his doctorate on Bernard Bolzano in 1957, completed his habilitation in Saarbrücken in 1969 on the basis of the first volume in his history on the logic of modern times, stayed there and became a professor in 1971. For his research - which continued the work of Karl von Prantl - he traveled across Europe and looked almost completely through the literature on logic from 1500 to 1780. He wrote an immense bibliography on all disciplines of classical philosophy. The insight into the historical diversity, perspectives and provisionality of all judgments gained through his extensive research was formulated by the passionate cigar smoker in the sentence: "A point of view is a spiritual horizon with a radius of zero."


  • The logic of the modern age. Stuttgart - Bad Cannstatt: Friedrich Frommann Verlag Vol. 1 1964, Vol. 2 1970.
  • Bibliographia logica. List of pamphlets on logic with details of where they were found (1472-1800). Hildesheim: Georg Olms Vol. 1 1965, Vol. 2 1973, Vol. 3 1979, Vol. 4 1979.
  • The Characteristica Universalis in Leibniz , Studi Internazionali di Filosofia 1: 107-116 (1969).
  • On the classification of judgments and conclusions by Leibniz , Studia Leibnitiana 1: 23-53 (1969).
  • Metaphysics. Basic issues and problems. Munich: Fink 1973 (Uni-Taschenbücher No. 253).
  • Bibliographia philosophica vetus. Hildesheim: Georg Olms 1998.


Individual evidence

  1. Benedikt Maria Trappen: Heaven is also the other earth. From diaries and letters. With a foreword by Jochen Kirchhoff. Edition Habermann, Munich 2016, ISBN 978-3-96025-003-6 , p. 64.