Wilhelm von Kankelwitz

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The name of Kankelwitz on the column of the monument that was erected to mark the 75th anniversary of the VDI

Wilhelm August Hermann von Kankelwitz (born January 25, 1831 in Neustrelitz , † February 13, 1892 in Niederlößnitz ) was a German engineer and founding member of the Association of German Engineers (VDI).


Wilhelm von Kankelwitz was trained as a site manager and hydraulic engineer at the Berlin Building Academy. He also found his first job in Berlin as a designer at the mechanical engineering company C. Hoppe, where he was responsible for mill systems. After the VDI was founded in 1856, he was a member of its first board. From August 30, 1856, he headed the Berlin district association of the VDI, which was founded in the same year. In 1858 he switched to the foremen's school in Chemnitz as a specialist teacher , where he taught mathematics and mechanics in addition to other technical subjects and Carl Bach was one of his students. In 1866 he became chairman of the VDI district association in Chemnitz, which was founded that year. In 1868, Kankelwitz was appointed to the Stuttgart Polytechnic . As in Chemnitz, Kankelwitz ran his own design office in Stuttgart. During this time he worked for the Francis turbine for the use of water power. A further developed turbine based on his designs was built by JM Voith in Heidenheim an der Brenz .

Private life

Kankelwitz was married to Maria Wernicke, with whom he had a daughter.

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Individual evidence

  1. Lars U. Scholl : The engineer in training, profession and society 1856 to 1881 . In: Karl-Heinz Ludwig (Ed.): Technology, Engineers and Society - History of the Association of German Engineers 1856–1981 . VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf 1981, ISBN 3-18-400510-0 , p. 19 .
  2. ^ Marie-Luise Heuser , Wolfgang König : Tabular compilations on the history of the VDI . In: Karl-Heinz Ludwig (Ed.): Technology, Engineers and Society - History of the Association of German Engineers 1856–1981 . VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf 1981, ISBN 3-18-400510-0 , p. 603 .
  3. ^ Affairs of the association . In: Journal of the Association of German Engineers . tape 10 , no. June 6 , 1865, p. 354 .