Will Hutton

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Will Hutton (* 1950 ) is a British author and publicist . He is the head of The Work Foundation in the UK and Governor of the London School of Economics and Political Science .

Will Hutton


Will Hutton studied economics and sociology at the University of Bristol. After graduating in 1971, he started out as a stock trader and investment analyst. In 1978 he completed an MBA at INSEAD in Fontainebleau . He then worked for the BBC on TV and radio. He was editor-in-chief of the Observer and director of the Guardian National Newspapers for several years before becoming chief executive of The Work Foundation in 2002 .

He is also a Governor of the London School of Economics, Honorary Fellow of Mansfield College of the University of Oxford and a visiting professor at Manchester University Business School and the University of Bristol . He is also director of the London International Festival of Theater (LIFT).

Hutton is the author of several well-known books including The World We're In , which was published in the UK in 2002; others are The State to Come , The Stakeholding Society and On The Edge with Anthony Giddens . He is a columnist for The Observer , The New York Observer , Washington Post and Boston Globe .

In 2003 he was part of a high-level expert group on the reflection of the Lisbon strategy . Since 2008 he has been a member of the scientific advisory board of the Pontifical Foundation Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice (CAPP) .

honors and awards

  • Political Journalists Award (1993)
  • Honorary Doctor of Laws from the University of Bristol (2003)
  • Honorary doctorate from the Open University



Video cassette

  • Christian Hensch, Uli Wismer, Will Hutton: Future of Work , Schäffer-Poeschel Stuttgart (video cassette)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. "Honorary degrees Awarded at the University of Bristol" , University of Bristol , July 11, 2003