William Budzinski

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William Budzinski
Drawing by Budzinski from 1896. It shows his brother Fredy.

William Budzinski (born February 20, 1875 in Berlin , † October 4, 1950 in Berlin-Buch ) was a Berlin costume designer and collector.


William Budzinski was born as one of four children (Benno, William, Alfred and Melanie) to Alfred Budzinski and Emma, ​​née Gross. The Berlin sports journalist Fredy Budzinski was one of his brothers. William Budzinski attended Sophienrealgymnasium and then an art school for a few semesters.

Budzinski then got a job at the costume company Hugo Baruch as a figurine artist (today: costume designer). At the same time he worked with Pauline Hallmann , the "Costümière and Ober-Gardorobière" of the Berlin Apollo Theater . In addition, from 1910 onwards, Budzinski's first drafts were available as a freelancer for the Bruno Pruschinski company , which he took over in 1912. Budzinski's entry in the commercial register took place on March 16, 1912. Until 1919, costumes for Berlin theaters were generally procured by the performers, especially female actors. Well-known wearers of his costumes were the dancers La Belle Otéro and Saharet. He supplied costumes to the Apollo Theater , the Metropol Theater and the Passage Theater , as well as to ballets and the Royal Opera . In addition to Charlotte Josephsen and Regina May , he was one of the three most famous Berlin costume designers for haute couture . In 1930 the “Luxus-Werkstätten Pruschinski” went bankrupt in the wake of the global economic crisis . William Budzinski then sold his collection of around 3,000 costumes to the Berlin Museum of Decorative Arts . The collection is now in the Museum of European Cultures . He was married to Erna Budzinski. Almost forgotten, he died in Berlin-Buch in 1950.

In 1999 the exhibition on William Budzinski Varieté and Revue took place in Berlin . The costume designer and costume collector William Budzinski 1875–1950 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h Adelheid Rasche (Ed.): Varieté and Revue. The costume designer and costume collector William Budzinski 1875–1950. Collection catalogs of the Art Library, Berlin, 1999, ISBN 3-88609-202-X .
  2. ^ Susan V. Ingram: Berliner Chic. Intellect Books, 2011, ISBN 978-1-841-50369-1 , p. 62 ( limited preview in Google Book Search).
  3. ^ National Museums in Berlin: Yearbook of the Berlin Museums. Gebr. Mann., 2001, ISBN 978-3-786-12403-0 .