Willy Pabst

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Willy Pabst (born November 10, 1904 in Jena , † after 1984 ) was a German party functionary ( KPD / SED ), persecuted by the Nazi regime and state politician .


After attending elementary school, Pabst completed an apprenticeship as a saddler . In 1920 he joined the union . In 1923 he joined the Communist Youth Association of Germany (KJVD) and in 1925 became a member of the Communist Party (KPD). From the mid-1920s he worked as a saddler in Gotha . In the internal party disputes in 1928/29, he represented the line of the KPD Central Committee . From 1929 to 1933 he was chairman of the KPD parliamentary group in the Gotha city ​​council .

After the transfer of power to the NSDAP in 1933, he was briefly arrested , but then continued to work illegally against the Nazi regime. In 1934 he was sentenced to several years in prison, which he served in prison and in Buchenwald concentration camp . He was dismissed in 1939 and started working as a saddler again in 1943. In the course of the " Operation Grid " in August 1944, he was interned again in Buchenwald concentration camp until the camp was liberated.

When the Nazi rule was eliminated, he became political secretary of the KPD local group in Gotha and from July 1945 a member of the extended KPD district leadership. In 1946 he became the SED district chairman of Gotha. From September 1948 he was the main department head and from July 1949 personal advisor to the Thuringian Minister of Economics, Hüttenrauch . In 1950, as chairman of the Association of Thuringian Consumer Cooperatives, he was the top candidate of the cooperatives in Thuringia for the Volkskammer election and was then a member of the Volkskammer until 1954. From May 1953 to January 1954, he succeeded Karl Gaile as head of the Trade, Supply and Light Industry Department of the Central Committee of the SED .

He last lived as a veteran in Gera and was awarded the Patriotic Order of Merit in gold in September 1979 .


  • Steffen Kachel: A red-red special path? Social Democrats and Communists in Thuringia 1919 to 1949 . Publications of the Historical Commission for Thuringia, Small Series Volume 29, p. 561.
  • Gabriele Baumgartner: Pabst, Willi . In: Gabriele Baumgartner, Dieter Hebig (Hrsg.): Biographisches Handbuch der SBZ / DDR. 1945–1990 . Volume 2: Maassen - Zylla . KG Saur, Munich 1997, ISBN 3-598-11177-0 , p. 623.

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ List of candidates in Neues Deutschland from September 24, 1950, p. 3.
  2. http://www.archivesportaleurope.net/ead-display/-/ead/pl/aicode/DE-1958/type/fa/id/dy30ahva
  3. Congratulations on the 80th birthday in Neues Deutschland on November 10, 1984, p. 2.
  4. Neues Deutschland, September 29, 1979, p. 4.