Wilson Bueno

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Wilson Bueno (born March 13, 1949 in Jaguapitã , Paraná , † May 31, 2010 in Curitiba ) was a Brazilian writer and journalist.

Wilson Bueno founded the multi-award winning magazine O Nicolau , of which he was editor for eight years. In 1987 Nicolau was voted "Brazil's best cultural magazine" by the São Paulo's Association of Art Critics, the Associação Paulista dos Críticos de Arte (APCA). The magazine appeared from 1987/88 to 1997 in 60 issues. With his work Mar Paraguayo , published in 1992 , Bueno also gained international fame after the Intempérie Ediciones publishing house in Santiago de Chile arranged a Spanish translation in 2001.

Wilson Bueno took part in the 2006 literary festival Festa Literária Internacional de Paraty with his previously published Cachorros do Céu . Bueno published a total of 16 works, as a journalist he wrote for O Estado de S. Paulo and the O Estado de Paraná .

On May 31, 2010, Wilson Bueno was stabbed to death in front of his home in Curitiba.


  • Bolero's Bar (1987)
  • Manual de Zoofilia (1991)
  • Mar Paraguayo (1992)
  • Cristal (1995)
  • Pequeno Tratado de Brinquedos (1996)
  • Meu Tio Roseno, a Cavalo (2000)
  • Amar-te a ti nem sei se com Carícias (2004)
  • Cachorros do Céu (2005)
  • A Copista de Kafka (2007)
  • Canoa Canoa Argentina, (2007)
  • O Gato Peludo eo Rato-de-Sobretudo Florianópolis, 2009.

None of his works has yet been translated into German.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ZDB -ID 1005367-0
  2. ↑ A brief introduction by Wilson Bueno to the FLIP 2006 . Retrieved September 3, 2016 (Portuguese, English).
  3. Fernanda Trisotto, Adriano Ribeiro: Escritor Wilson Bueno é found morto em casa. In: Gazeta do povo. Jornal de Londrina, May 31, 2010. Retrieved September 4, 2013 (Portuguese).
  4. Autores comentam morte do escritor Wilson Bueno em Curitiba on G1 Globo.com from 1 June 2010. (First reactions to the death of Wilson Bueno). Retrieved September 4, 2013 (Portuguese).