Scientific poultry farm

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The Scientific Poultry Farm ( WGH ) or Bruno Dürigen Institute in Rommerskirchen - Sinsteden is a research institution of the Federation of German Poultry Breeders , founded in 2004 , which sees itself as a center for pedigree poultry research and develops knowledge of the biology of pedigree poultry , which is both basic biological research and scientific serve justified animal welfare and applied research areas. This includes the preservation of genetic diversity and public relations.

The grounds of the scientific poultry farm


The construction of the WGH was supported by the Rhein-Kreis Neuss and the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The topping-out ceremony was held in December 2001 and the official opening followed in 2004. The current maintenance is borne by the owner, the Bund Deutscher Rassegeflügelzüchter eV, the Foundation for Poultry Science supports the infrastructure of the WGH. The sponsors include companies from the economy, breeders and breeding associations. The Association for the Promotion of Young Scientists in Breed Poultry Research eV (JUWIRA) promotes local research. The allegation in the pedigree poultry keeping was being tortured , was one of the reasons to open the WGH. The aim is to compare these allegations with an open-ended and independent research that examines directly on the animal whether its breeding (standard) is associated with suffering, pain or damage. Breeding management recommendations have already been adapted based on such research. The WGH examines behavioral problems and anatomical features in particular.

Scientific Research

According to its own information, the WGH pursues various interdisciplinary research approaches on biodiversity , domestication research (pet science ) and deals with the behavioral biology of all poultry breeds.

There are contacts with the universities of Cologne and Düsseldorf, in particular with the Institute for Animal Sciences at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn . At the same time as basic biological research and applied research areas, there are approaches to constructively dealing with issues relevant to animal welfare. The latter are currently and will continue to be processed at the WGH in accordance with scientific standards with no results. The WGH offers both courses and scientific projects a variety of work opportunities. These results are regularly presented in the form of presentations, lectures and publications.

The WGH conducted research on over 12 of the over 180 breeds of chickens and other chicken birds that existed . The research extends to geese , ducks , pigeons and turkeys .

In 2012 it was planned to expand the WGH to double the area.

A Bergisch crow cock on the farm

Preservation of genetic diversity

At the Scientific Poultry Farm, reproductive breeding of rare and endangered breeds is one of the main focuses of work. The key word biodiversity is closely linked to the preservation and spread of such races. Genetic diversity is valuable in itself and economically important as a reservoir for new adaptations. The distribution of hatching eggs and offspring from the hands of the WGH and the public exhibition of these breeds directly addresses private owners and breeders, as well as new interested parties. The current selection of breeds at the WGH represents the large groups of domestic fowl , such as large and water fowl , large and bantam chickens and pigeons.

public relation

As part of its public relations work , the WGH is dedicated to the topic of domestic poultry. Not only breeders, but also other interested groups of visitors from home and abroad, schools and specialist internships are offered guided tours through the WGH, among other things organized through the Sinsteden learning world in the Rhine district of Neuss. In particular, the creation and objectives of the WGH are dealt with during the visits. In this way, the public is offered a look behind the scenes of the Bruno Dürigen Institute. The presentation of the research projects carried out at the WGH can and should serve general knowledge about domestic poultry. The WGH is intended to serve as a contact for private poultry farmers as well as for contributions in kind in print media, television and radio.

Research projects of the WGH are presented at congresses at national and international level as well as at specialist conferences. Cooperations with surrounding public institutions and presentations at trade fairs serve to pass on information.

The WGH is affiliated with the Sinsteden cultural center, through which the WGH exhibition grounds can be visited during opening hours. Guided tours are offered by arrangement.

Web links


  • Tiemann I., Krämer H., Fellmin M. (2014). From the first idea to today! The scientific poultry farm
  • Association of German Poultry Breeders V. (2015). BDRG Info 2015. amadeus verlag GmbH

Individual evidence

  1. a b Friedhelm Ruf: Scientific poultry farm celebrated topping-out ceremony - contribution to the “animal welfare” , RP Online from December 12, 2001
  2. ^ A b Sebastian Meurer: Three new projects for the poultry farm , RP Online from April 7, 2014
  3. a b c d e Stephan Hermsen: No more simplicity - researchers breed old chicken breeds , Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung of April 18, 2014
  4. a b Julia Cnotka: Brain changes in domesticated land ducks (Anas platyrhynchos fd) - morphometric and ethological studies , VDM Verlag Dr. Müller , Saarbrücken 2006. ( PDF file, 3.7 MB )
  5. Mareike Fellmin and Inga Tiemann: Sensorimotor control of the picking behavior in different pigeon breeds (Columba livia fd), Archiv für Geflügelkunde, Verlag Eugen Ulmer , Stuttgart 2013, 77, ISSN  1612-9199 , doi : 10.1399 / eps.2013.2
  6. Scientific research ( Memento from September 26, 2015 in the Internet Archive ), Wissenschaftlicher Geflügelhof, accessed December 10, 2015
  7. ^ Research projects ( Memento from July 28, 2015 in the Internet Archive ), Scientific Poultry Farm, accessed December 10, 2015
  8. Sebastian Meurer: Egg, like weird: beeps and double yolks , RP Online from April 4, 2015
  9. ^ Mid- term review by District Administrator Hans-Jürgen Petrauschke ( Memento from December 22, 2015 in the Internet Archive ), Rhein-Kreis Neuss from October 24, 2012

Coordinates: 51 ° 2 ′ 47.3 "  N , 6 ° 39 ′ 54.1"  E