Witold Wirpsza

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Witold Wiirpsza

Witold Wirpsza (born December 4, 1918 in Odessa , † September 16, 1985 in Berlin ) was a Polish poet, critic, translator of German-language literature. He studied law at the University of Warsaw and music at the Warsaw School of Music .

He published his first poems in 1935. He fought in the 1939 Defense War and spent the war as a prisoner in German officers' camps. After the war he settled in Szczecin , worked on the local radio and later became a member of the editorial offices of the Warsaw weekly newspapersPo prostu ” and “Nowa Kultura”. 1967 guest of the Berlin artist program of the German Academic Exchange Service. In 1968 he was banned from publication by the authorities and forced to relocate to West Berlin in 1970 . He was the husband of Maria Kurecka (1920–1989), with whom he translated many works of German-language literature. Her son, Alexander Szaruga (pseudonym, actually Leszek Wirpsza ); (* 1946) is a poet, literary historian and translator of German-language literature.

Witold Wirpsza was awarded the Johann Heinrich Voß Prize for Translation in 1967.


  • Hermann Broch: The Death of Virgil (with Maria Kurecka)
  • Johan Huizinga: Homo Ludens. On the origin of culture in play (with Maria Kurecka)
  • Thomas Mann: Doctor Faustus. The life of the German composer Adrian Leverkühn, told by a friend (with Maria Kurecka)
  • Friedrich Schiller: Maria Stuart
  • Albert Schweitzer: Johann Sebastian Bach (with Maria Kurecka)
  • Valerian Tornius : Wolfgang Amadé: a Mozart novel (with Maria Kurecka)
  • Bertolt Brecht: The Temporary Ascent of Arturo Ui , (with Roman Szydłowski)


  • Lesław Bartelski, Polscy pisarze współcześni 1944-1970 , Warszawa 1972

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