Vladimir (Put Put Putin)

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Wladimir (Put Put Putin) is the title of a song by the Viennese band Rammelhof , which won the 2015 protest song contest.


The song was recorded in German with a strong Austrian dialect and is a satirical attack on the Russian head of state Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and his Ukraine policy. The band itself explains, however, that it is not only directed against the politician alone, but also a criticism of the desire of strong leaders in the population . This is expressed in the refrain, which also refers to Angela Merkel and Barack Obama :

The Germans haum de Mutti and de Russn the Putin,
and the A-merikana the Barack Obama, they
are like tears from sheer emotion.
Because most people - want a strong leadership!


The video was published on YouTube in December 2014 without much attention. It only spread rapidly when the Ukrainians discovered it, despite the language that was foreign to them and difficult to understand . The video was clicked up to 200,000 times a day. On February 28, 2015, Google banned the original video on YouTube on the grounds that it violated YouTube's spam, fraud, and misleading advertising policy.


The text is also available in English and Russian.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Anja Reumschüssel, Der Spiegel : hype of the week: With spiked helmet and armor to put put Putin on 26 February, 2015.
  2. a b star : Viennese band Rammelhof. The “Put-Put-Putin” theme is the web hit in Ukraine on February 26, 2015.
  3. Vladimir (Put Put Putin) Lyrics English (PDF) . Retrieved March 1, 2015.
  4. Vladimir (Put Put Putin) Lyrics Russian (PDF) . Retrieved March 1, 2015.