Białystok Voivodeship (1919–1939)

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Bialystok Voivodship 1938.png

The Białystok province was in the years 1919 to 1939, a management unit of the Second Polish Republic , the south of Lithuania and Prussia , the region around the capital Białystok included. The western part of the former voivodeship is now in Podlasie , the eastern half in Belarus .

The newly formed voivodeship emerged from the formerly Russian territory, which was occupied by German during and after the First World War from 1917 to 1921. Voivode was one of the leaders of the Upper Silesian uprising from 1931, Alfons Zgrzebniok († 1937).

During the Second World War , Poland was divided between the German Reich and the Soviet Union and all voivodships were dissolved with it. The region was first occupied by the Soviet Union, only to be annexed to East Prussia as the Bialystok District in 1941 .

Important cities were:

See also: Białystok Voivodeship