Wolf Wirz

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Wolf Wirz (born May 20, 1911 in Sarnen , † December 15, 1968 ) was a Swiss politician of the front movement . The right-wing radical politician was strongly anti-Semitic and wanted "to make the Confederation back to what it was originally - free of Jews".


Wirz was born in Sarnen in 1911 and graduated from Engelberg in 1931 . After studying law in Zurich and Munich , he submitted a dissertation at the University of Zurich in 1936 on "The bearers of administrative state power in the canton of Unterwalden Ob dem Wald".

In 1932 he was a founding member of the National Socialist Confederation , where he was expelled after a dispute with Theodor Fischer . From 1933 to 1938 he was a member of the National Front . In 1938 he was a founding member of the Confederation of Loyal Confederates of National Socialist Weltanschauung . In 1940 he became a member of the Swiss National Movement .

In June 1943, Wirz was sentenced by the Territorial Court 3 B to ten years' imprisonment and five years of denial of civil honor for treason. He had advocated the annexation of Switzerland to the German Reich and, as a defender in espionage trials, he had disclosed military secrets to the German intelligence service. He was also expelled from the Swiss Army . From 1949 to 1968 he worked in a trust office for tax consultancy in Zurich.

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Individual evidence

  1. Hans Stutz: “It is essential for us that they go to where they came from very soon” . Weekly newspaper. September 1, 1995. Retrieved March 9, 2011.