Wolfgang Fasold

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Wolfgang Fasold (born September 29, 1931 in Dresden ; † March 3, 2020 in Berlin ) was a German engineer specializing in building acoustics , room acoustics and urban noise protection .

Wolfgang Fasold graduated in 1957 on "Sound measurements using the pulse method" at the Institute for Electro and Building Acoustics at the Technical University of Dresden under Walter Reichardt . In 1963 he did his doctorate on the subject of "Requirements for air and footfall sound insulation in residential construction".

In 1963, Fasold went to the building physics department of the GDR Building Academy in Berlin. From 1970 he was head of the building and room acoustics department . In 1975 he was appointed professor.

After the dissolution of the Bauakademie in 1991, he became head of the building acoustics department and deputy director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics (IBP) in Stuttgart in 1992 .

One of his main research areas was room acoustic model measurement technology. Fasold was involved as a consultant in the design of the Gewandhaus in Leipzig , the Palace of the Republic and the Schauspielhaus in Berlin .

Reference books

  • Fasold, Sonntag: Building physics design theory. Volume 4: Building acoustics . Publishing house for construction, 1973.
  • Fasold, Winkler: Building physics design theory. Volume 5: Room Acoustics . Publishing house for construction, 1976.
  • Fasold, Kraak , Schirmer: Taschenbuch Akustik . 2 volumes. Verlag Technik, 1984.
  • Fasold, Sonntag, Winkler: Building acoustics and room acoustics . Publishing house for construction, 1987.
  • Fasold, Veres: Sound insulation and room acoustics in practice . Publishing house for construction, 1998.
