Wolfgang Johannes Meyer

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Wolfgang Johannes Meyer (* 1944 ) is a German Romanist .


He completed his studies (1964–1968) in Romance studies, history, philosophy and general linguistics at the Universities of Marburg , Bonn , Paris ( Sorbonne ) and Constance in 1968 with the state examination. He completed the advanced and supplementary studies (1969–1973) in the subjects of theoretical linguistics and philosophy at the University of Konstanz in 1973 with a doctorate . After working as a research assistant and receiving a two-year scholarship from the DFG , he taught from 1985 to 2009 as a professor of Romance philology with a focus on French and Italian linguistics at the University of Hamburg .

His main areas of work are Syntax in the Minimalist Program, Distributed Morphology and Comparative French-Italian Syntax.

Fonts (selection)

  • Experienced history. Possibilities of their representation using the example of the memoirs of Philippe de Comynes . A contribution on the subject of "History and its discourse" . Munich 1977, ISBN 3-7705-1451-3 .
  • Modal verb and semantic function . Wiesbaden 1982, ISBN 3-515-03677-6 .
  • Modality and modal verb. Competency-theoretical research on the problem of describing the meaning of modal expressions using the example of devoir and pouvoir in French today . Stuttgart 1991, ISBN 3-515-05969-5 .

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