Wolfgang Kähler (Superintendent)

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Wolfgang August Adalbert Kähler (born June 3, 1840 in Marienfelde , Prussian Holland district , East Prussia province ; † May 25, 1922 in Darkehmen , East Prussia province) was a German Protestant theologian in East Prussia. He was superintendent in Heilsberg and Darkehmen.


The father Adolf Kähler was a pastor in Marienfelde, the mother was Caroline née Berger. The theology professor Ludwig August Kähler in Königsberg was a great-uncle, the theologian Martin Kähler a relative. Wolfgang Kahler attended the Kneiphof Gymnasium in Königsberg and studied at the University of Protestant theology. Then he went to the seminary in Wittenberg and became assistant preacher .

Wolfgang Kähler was ordained in 1864. In 1865 he was appointed vicar provincial for East Prussia and in 1867 preacher in Allenburg . In 1876 Kähler became pastor in Heilsberg and Superintendenturverweser (provisional superintendent), in 1879 full superintendent. In 1887 he moved to Darkehmen, where he became pastor and superintendent.

From August 1914 to spring 1915, Kähler lived as a refugee in Belgard , Königsberg and Insterburg and then continued his activities until his death at the age of 81.

Wolfgang Kähler was a member of the Evangelical Consistory in Königsberg and for many years Vice-President of the Provincial Synod. He was married twice and had several children.

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