Wolfgang Maresch

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Wolfgang Maresch (born October 9, 1918 ; † before 1998 ) was an Austrian coroner .

Maresch was Anton Werkgartner's assistant at the University of Graz , where he became a full professor in 1962, then “Director of the Forensic Medical Institute ”, dean and from 1970 to 1972 rector of the same university.

Werkgartner convinced him in the 1960s of Pierre Jaccoud's innocence , whereupon Maresch helped to ensure that the case went down in legal history as a possible miscarriage of justice.

Maresch's best-known writings are Applied Forensic Medicine (1983) and the Atlas of Forensic Medicine 1988, both of which have appeared in several editions.


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Individual evidence

  1. Erich Burghardt: Through historical crises: a life between the 19th and 20th centuries. Böhlau Verlag, Vienna 1998.
  2. Jürgen Thorwald : Bloody Secret . In: The hour of the detectives: Becoming and worlds of criminalistics . tape 1 . Knaur , Munich / Zurich 1969.