Wolfgang Schild (legal historian)

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Wolfgang Schild (born November 2, 1946 in Vienna ) is an Austrian lawyer and legal historian in Germany .


After his doctorate in 1968 and his habilitation in Munich in 1977, he became a professor at Bielefeld University in 1977 , where he holds the chair for criminal law , criminal procedure law , criminal law history and legal philosophy .

In addition to specialist legal publications (e.g. collaboration on the NOMOS commentary on the criminal code , monograph on sports criminal law ), Schild has come out with a number of legal history publications (including numerous articles in the concise dictionary on German legal history ), which often dealt with topics related to witch research . Schild is a specialist in witch iconography . He is a member of the "working group for interdisciplinary witch research" and co-editor of the book series witch research, which has been published since 1995 .

The best known was his 1980 book “Old Jurisdiction” on the history of German criminal law, which saw several editions. As a scientific advisor to the Rothenburg Medieval Crime Museum , he contributed to the conception of the permanent exhibition there and presented brochures, for example on the Iron Maiden .

As a legal philosopher who is not afraid of speculative lines of thought, Schild is strongly influenced by Hegel's thinking , to which he dedicated a number of his publications. Richard Wagner's love for music was also reflected in a whole series of studies.



  • Kürschner's German Scholars Calendar (online edition)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. W. Behringer / S. Lorenz / DR Bauer (ed.): Late witch trials. How the Enlightenment deals with the irrational. Bielefeld 2016. S. VIII.
  2. Open to torment. In: Der Spiegel . 43/2010, p. 178.