Wolfhart Unte

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Wolfhart Unte

Wolfhart Unte (born February 4, 1938 in Berlin ; † December 10, 2014 there ) was a German classical philologist and librarian .

After graduating from the Ratsgymnasium in Hanover in Easter 1959, he first studied botany, zoology and classical philology at the University of Tübingen , and since the winter semester 1959/60 at the Free University of Berlin classical philology, philosophy and history. In January 1966 he passed the state examination for Latin and Greek. On August 19, 1968 he received his doctorate under Hans Schwabl and Franco Munari .

He then completed his training for the higher library service and was head of the subject indexing department of the university library of the Free University of Berlin from 1970 to 1978 , after which there was also a specialist librarian for classical studies.

He produced scientific publications mainly on the history of classical philology with a focus on scholars at the universities of Berlin and Breslau .


  • Reinhard Hanke: Obituary for Wolfhart Unte . In: AGOMWBW circular . No. 665, January 15, 2015, pp. 10–12 ( PDF )

Fonts (selection)

  • Studies on the Homeric Apollo Hymn , Berlin 1968 (= dissertation)
  • Berlin Classical Philologists in the 19th Century . In: Willmuth Arenhövel, Christa Schreiber (editor): Berlin and the ancient world. Essays. Architecture, applied arts, painting, sculpture, theater and science from the 16th century to the present day . Berlin 1979, pp. 9-67
  • with Helmut Rohlfing : Sources for a biography of Karl Otfried Müller (1797-1840). Bibliography and estate , Hildesheim et al. 1997, ISBN 3-487-10497-0
  • The letters from the Wroclaw publisher Josef Max to Karl Otfried Müller , St. Katharinen 2000, ISBN 3-89590-099-0
  • Heroes and Epigones. Scholarly biographies of classical antiquity in the 19th and 20th centuries , St. Katharinen 2003, ISBN 3-89590-134-2 (= collected small writings; with list of writings)

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