Wonder geckos

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Wonder geckos
Teratoscincus scincus scincus

Teratoscincus scincus scincus

without rank: Sauropsida
Superordinate : Scale lizards (Lepidosauria)
Order : Scale reptiles (Squamata)
Geckos (gekkota)
Family : Sphaerodactylidae
Genre : Wonder geckos
Scientific name
Shrub , 1863

The wonder geckos ( Teratoscincus ) are a genus of gecko-like (Gekkota) from the family Sphaerodactylidae . The up to 20 cm long, cylindrically built animals inhabit the sandy and loamy deserts and semi-deserts of Southwest and Central Asia. The head is large, the eyes are well forward, the pupils are slit-shaped. The tail length is smaller than the head-trunk length . The scales on the head are fine except for the snout shields, the body scales are large, semicircular, smooth and shingled. The tail scales are particularly large. There are no adhesive strips on the toes. All members of the genus are nocturnal ground dwellers that hunt small arthropods .



Web links

Commons : Wonder Geckos ( Teratoscincus )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files