Xhermëhalla complex

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Remains of the mosque seen from the northeast

The Xhermëhalla complex ( Albanian  Kompleksi i Xhermëhallës ) is a derelict religious building complex or former mahalla in Delvina in southern Albania . It is located in the quarter of the same name a few hundred meters southwest of the city and consisted of a mosque , a medrese , doorways , a spring and a hammam (Turkish bath). Located near the castle, the mosque served as a place of prayer for the janissary garrison.

The year 1682 is given as the time when the mosque was built. It is assumed that a bakery was built next to the mosque and bath - these three elements were repeatedly the first elements of an Ottoman town plan. At that time there was probably a bazaar nearby . The complex is likely to have been a Sufi monastery , perhaps from the Halveti .

The mosque, a mescit with a prayer niche , has a square floor plan. The foundation walls of the minaret are still preserved. Originally the mosque was surrounded by a wooden canopy. Reception rooms were located under the prayer room. Individual bricks decorating a nearby well were from a Byzantine church. Three of the original five hexagonal doorways of the building complex are still preserved. The isolated hammam is also square and has the typical division into four rooms. The roof has four hexagonal domes. The remains of a royal mosque are still preserved at the entrance to the castle .

The building complex was declared a cultural monument by the communists, but was not protected or maintained. Presumably in the 1970s, the roof collapsed, exposing the decorations on the walls to the elements. The cultural monument is hardly known - but the municipality hopes that more tourists will come in the future. Restoration work was carried out for the first time in 2009. However, the remains of the building were endangered and mostly surrounded by wild, dense vegetation.


  • Gianclaudio Macchiarella: Delvina, Albania: a Sufi architectural enclave . In: Florina Creţ Ciure, Viviana Nosilia, Adriano Pavan, Maria Marcella Ferraccioli, Gianfranco Giraudo (eds.): Multa & Varia. Studi offerti a Maria Marcella Ferraccioli e Gianfranco Giraudo . Volume II. Biblion Edizioni, Milan 2012, ISBN 978-88-96177-42-6 , pp. 9–32 ( article on academia.edu [accessed November 9, 2014]).
  • Dipartimento di Progettazione dell'architettura, Politecnico di Milano, Centro Interdipartimentale di Studi Balcanici e Internazionali, Università Ca 'Foscari Venezia (ed.): Scutari, Berat, Delvina - Albania Domani . Rapporto delle attività svolte. Milan, Venice January 30, 2012 ( unive.it [PDF; accessed November 9, 2014] Various images and maps).

Individual evidence

  1. a b Si po rrënohet 'Xhamia mbret' e Delvinës. (No longer available online.) In: Drita Islame. September 15, 2012, archived from the original on November 9, 2014 ; Retrieved November 9, 2014 (Albanian). Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.dritaislame.al
  2. Ylber Hysi: Delvina, its history, archeology and religious cults . Gent Grafik, Tirana 2009, ISBN 978-99956-51-00-8 , p. 31 f .
  3. a b c Ermir Hoxha: Kompleksi islamik i Delvinës (Shekulli, September 20, 2010) ( Memento of October 25, 2010 in the Internet Archive )
  4. a b Gianclaudio Macchiarella: Delvina, Albania: a Sufi architectural enclave . In: Florina Creţ Ciure, Viviana Nosilia, Adriano Pavan, Maria Marcella Ferraccioli, Gianfranco Giraudo (eds.): Multa & Varia. Studi offerti a Maria Marcella Ferraccioli e Gianfranco Giraudo . Volume II. Biblion Edizioni, Milan 2012, ISBN 978-88-96177-42-6 , pp. 9–32 ( article on academia.edu [accessed November 9, 2014]).
  5. Objects fetare monumente kulture. In: Komiteti Shtetëror për Kultet. Retrieved August 23, 2014 (Albanian).
  6. Dipartimento di Progettazione dell'architettura, Politecnico di Milano, Centro Interdipartimentale di Studi Balcanici e Internazionali, Università Ca 'Foscari Venezia (ed.): Scutari, Berat, Delvina - Albania Domani . Rapporto delle attività svolte. Milan, Venice January 30, 2012 ( PDF [accessed November 9, 2014]).

Coordinates: 39 ° 56 ′ 42 ″  N , 20 ° 5 ′ 30 ″  E