Yalçın Ertuna

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Yalçın Ertuna (* 1942 in Istanbul ) is a former Turkish rear admiral who, among other things, was the chief commander of the coast guard ( Türk Sahil Güvenlik Komutanlığı ) between 1998 and 2002 .


Ertuna joined the sea cadet institute ( Deniz Lisesi ) after attending school in 1958 and then completed an officer training at the naval school ( Deniz Harp Okulu ), which he completed in 1963 with promotion to sub-lieutenant ( Asteğmen ). After completing a course in electrics and electronics, he was promoted to lieutenant at sea ( Teğmen ) and was employed on various ships and naval command posts ( Türk Deniz Kuvvetleri ). After completing a submarine course, he was employed as an officer, first officer and most recently as a commander on various submarines between 1968 and 1974 . After graduating from the Naval Academy ( Deniz Harp Akademisi ), he was employed as an officer and staff officer, for example from 1983 to 1985 as a planning officer in the logistics department in the General Staff of Turkey and then between 1985 and 1988 as a military attaché at the embassy in Japan . After his return to Turkey he acted as commodore of the 3rd submarine flotilla between 1988 and 1990 and then from 1990 to 1992 as commander of the Naval NCO School ( Deniz Astsubay Hazırlama Okulu ) and at the same time as the commander of the naval cadet institute.

On August 30, 1992, Ertuna was promoted to Flotilla Admiral ( Tuğamiral ) and initially took over the post of Head of the Planning and Policy Issues Subdivision in the Ministry of Defense ( Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Millî Savunma Bakanlığı ) between 1992 and 1993 , before he was then Commander of the U- Boat fleet ( Denizaltı Filosu Komutanlığı ) was. After a subsequent assignment between 1995 and 1997 as the commander of the Gölcük naval base ( Gölcük Ana Üs Komutanlığı ), he served from 1997 to 1998 as the commander of the Dardanelles naval units (Çanakkale Boğaz Komutanlığı) at the naval base in Nara , a regional naval command in Çanakkale province North (Kuzey Deniz Saha Komutanlığı) belonging unit.

Most recently, Ertuna was the successor to Rear Admiral Alper Çetin Tezeren on August 19, 1998, Supreme Commander of the Coast Guard ( Türk Sahil Güvenlik Komutanlığı ) and held this position until he was replaced by Rear Admiral Engin Heper on August 12, 2002. He then resigned on August 30, 2002 to retire.

Yalçın Ertuna, who is married to Tülay Ertuna and has a son and a daughter, speaks English as well as Turkish .

Web links

  • Entry on the Coast Guard homepage
  • Entry in Kim Kimdir? (Who is who?)