Engin Heper

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Engin Heper (* 1945 in Istanbul ) is a former Turkish rear admiral , who was, among other things, commander in chief of the coast guard ( Türk Sahil Güvenlik Komutanlığı ) between 2002 and 2005 .


Training and employment as a naval officer

After attending school in 1961, Heper began his training at the Naval Cadet Institute ( Deniz Lisesi ) and then entered the naval school ( Deniz Harp Okulu ) in 1966 as a sub-lieutenant ( Asteğmen ), which he graduated in 1968. After that, he was used on various ships and command units of the Navy ( Türk Deniz Kuvvetleri ) such as first officer and chief engineer aboard the anti-submarine boat TCG Avcibotu-25 as well as anti-submarine weapons system officer Gleaves class - destroyer TCG Gemlik (D 347) and in the same use on board the TCG Zafer (D 356) , an Allen-M.-Sumner-class destroyer , which was sold by the US Navy to Turkey on July 1, 1972 . This was followed by uses as a navigation officer on the Fletcher-class destroyer Iskenderun (D-343) as well as the TCG İçel (D 344) destroyer, which also belongs to the Fletcher-class .

After Heper graduated from Naval Academy in 1978, he was a navigational officer on the M-class destroyer TCG Piyalepaşa (D351) , which was acquired by the Royal Navy on June 26, 1959 , and then first officer of the gearing-class destroyer TCG Anittepe (D-347) . He then lectured at the Naval Academy for the first time between 1981 and 1983 and during this time also attended a course at the US Naval Academy in Annapolis in 1982 . He then graduated from the Academy of Armed Forces ( Silahlı Kuvetler Akademisi ) in 1984 and lectured at both the Academy of Armed Forces and the Academy for National Security ( Milli Güvenlik Akademisi ) between 1984 and 1985 .

In 1985 Heper moved to the headquarters of the Allied Forces of NATO in Southern Europe AFSOUTH ( Allied Forces Southern Europe ) in Naples , where he worked as a staff officer for naval projects until 1988. After his return he acted as the commander of the training ship TCG Sokullu Mehmet Paşa (A-577) between 1988 and 1989 and as general secretary in the naval high command from 1989 to 1990, before becoming head of the training and management evaluation unit in the operations department between 1990 and 1991 of the Navy High Command. After he was again a lecturer at the Naval Academy from 1991 to 1992, he graduated from the Academy for National Security in 1992 and was then head of the training department in the training and training command of the Navy between 1992 and 1993. This was followed from 1993 to 1994 as a commodore of the 2nd landing craft flotilla and between 1994 and 1994 as head of the operations department in the fleet command, before he was chief of the staff of the training command of the Navy from 1995 to 1996.

Promotion to rear admiral

On August 30, 1996, Heper was promoted to Flotilla Admiral ( Tuğamiral ) and then took over the function of Chief of Staff of the Naval Command South ( Güney Deniz Saha Komutanlığı ) in Izmir between 1996 and 1997 , to which the amphibious vehicle associations in Foça , the maintenance and engineering command Izmir, the Mediterranean Regional Command and the naval bases İskenderun and Aksaz belong. From 1997 to 1998 he was the commander of the naval units in the Aegean Sea ( Ege Deniz Bölge Komutanlığı ) and from 1998 to 1999 he was head of the communications and electronic data processing systems department in the Navy High Command, before he took up the post of commander of the Gölcük naval base from 1999 to 2001 ( Gölcük Ana Üs Komutanlığı ) dressed.

After his promotion to Rear Admiral ( Tümamiral ) on August 30, 2001, Heper was in command of the Naval Academy between 2001 and 2002.

Most recently, Heper was the successor to Rear Admiral Yalçın Ertuna on August 14, 2002, Supreme Commander of the Coast Guard ( Türk Sahil Güvenlik Komutanlığı ) and held this position until he was replaced by Rear Admiral Can Erenoğlu on August 12, 2005. He then entered on August 30, 2005 retirement.

Heper, who is married to Serap Heper and has a son and a daughter, speaks English as well as Turkish .

Web links

  • Entry on the Coast Guard website
  • Entry in Kim Kimdir? (Who is who?)