Yazid III.

Yazid III. , Arabic يزيد بن الوليد بن عبد الملك, DMG Yazīd ibn al-Walīd ibn ʿAbd al-Malik , (* 701 ; † September 25, 744 ) was the twelfth caliph of the Umayyads (744).
Yazid ibn al-Walid ibn Abd al-Malik was a son of al-Walid I (705-715) and a princess from Sogdia / Transoxania . Because of the high-handed government of his cousin al-Walid II (743-744), conflicts soon arose. When this underage sons wanted to appoint heir to the throne, Yazid was proclaimed the new caliph, al-Walid was overthrown and killed. Yazīd made Mansūr ibn Jumhūr governor of Iraq and sent him to the eastern provinces to receive homage for the new government.
Yazid III. In the following time, however, had problems in the whole empire to be recognized. Above all, the important governor Nasr ibn Sayyar in Khorassan and Marwan in Armenia and Mesopotamia behaved waiting. However, the conflict did not break out because Yazid III. soon fell ill and died on September 25, 744. He was succeeded by his designated brother Ibrahim .
- Ulrich Haarmann: History of the Arab World . Edited by Heinz Halm . 4th revised and expanded edition. Verlag CH Beck, Munich 2001, ISBN 3-406-47486-1 , ( Beck's historical library ).
- Stephan Ronart, Nandy Ronart: Lexicon of the Arab World. A historical-political reference work. Artemis Verlag, Zurich et al. 1972, ISBN 3-7608-0138-2 .
- Claude Cahen: Islam 1. From the origin to the beginnings of the Ottoman Empire . Fischer, Frankfurt am Main et al. 1968, ( Fischer-Weltgeschichte 14).
- JJ Saunders: A history of Medieval Islam. Routledge & Paul, London 1965, ISBN 0-7100-2077-5 , (Also: Reprint. Routledge, London et al. 1990, ISBN 0-415-05914-3 ).
- Julius Wellhausen : The Arab Empire and its fall . Reimer, Berlin 1902, (reprint: 2nd unchanged edition. De Gruyter, Berlin 1960).
supporting documents
- ↑ Abū Ǧaʿfar Muḥammad b. Ǧarīr aṭ-Ṭabarī : Taʾrīḫ ar-rusul wa-l-mulūk . Edited by MJ de Goeje. Leiden 1879-1901, Secunda Series, pp. 1836, lines 15-19.
predecessor | Office | successor |
al-Walid II. | Umayyad Caliph 744 |
Ibrāhīm ibn al-Walīd |
personal data | |
SURNAME | Yazid III. |
BRIEF DESCRIPTION | Umayyad Caliph |
DATE OF DEATH | September 25, 744 |