Yi (Baoding)

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Yi ( Chinese  易县 , Pinyin Yì Xiàn ) is a district of the prefecture -level city of Baoding in the Chinese province of Hebei . It has an area of ​​2,538 square kilometers and has a population of around 550,000 (2004). The main town is Yizhou (易 州镇).

The site of the second capital of the state Yan (in the Warring States Period ) (Yan Xiadu (Yizhi) 燕下都(遗址) ), the Western Qing Tombs (imperial tombs) (Qing Xiling 清西陵 ), the Zijingguan -Pass the Great Wall (Wanli changcheng - Zijingguan 万里长城 - 紫荆关 ), the Daodejing stone pillar of the Daoist Longxing Temple (Longxing guan Daodejing zhuang 龙兴 观 道德 经幢 ), the Neolithic Beifudi site (Beifudi yizhi 北 福地 遗址 ) and the Jing -Ke Pagoda (Sheng ta yuan ta 圣塔 院 塔 ) are on the list of monuments of the People's Republic of China .

Administrative structure

At the community level, the district consists of eight large communities and nineteen communities (including one of the Hui and Manschu ).

Web links

Coordinates: 39 ° 21 '  N , 115 ° 29'  E