Yinshan zhengyao

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The Chinese book Yinshan zhengyao ( Chinese饮 膳 正要; "Principles of the right diet") is a work on nutritional theory by Hu Sihui (忽 思 恚) (whose name has several Chinese spellings), the Yanyou imperial dietetics doctor - Era to Tianli era (1314–1330) at the Mongol court. His Chinese official title was yǐnshàn tàiyī (饮 膳 太医; "Imperial doctor for drinks and food").

The work is dated to the year 1330 of the Yuan Dynasty and is dedicated to the Emperor Wenzong (Wénzōng 文宗), the Mongol Khan Borzigin Tubtemur ( Chinese孛 儿 只 斤 图 帖 睦 耳), one of the numerous short-term political descendants of the Kublai Khan (Emperor Shizu ) on the Chinese imperial throne. It comprises three volumes (juan).

The book provides important information about the diet and diet of the steppe nomads in the Sino-Mongolian border region and the Chinese diet in the Mongol period. According to the authors Buell & Anderson, the author is said to have spoken a Turkish language, probably Uighur , and grew up in a Sino-Turkish, and finally Mongolian mixed culture. They also point out that many recipes have a clear connection to those of the modern Hui (回) in Ningxia .

Arabic-Persian recipes can also be found in it. Much of the Chinese influence on this book is evident in its treatment of the plant-based diet.

The original title is in the English translation by Buell & Anderson: Proper and Essential Things for the Emperor's Food and Drink .


  1. Zhongguo pengren baike quanshu, p. 688.
  2. ^ Buell and Anderson, p. 4.
  3. Anderson, p. 75.

Important early prints

  • Sibu congkan xubian , zibu (四部 丛刊 续编 子部) (reproduction of a Ming print from 1456)
  • Zhongguo gudai banhua congkan (中国 古代 版画 丛刊)
  • Zhongguo gudai banhua congkan中国 古代 版画 丛刊 (元 残卷 incomplete text from the Mongol period)

Modern editions


See also

List of sources on the history of Chinese food and drink culture