Yoram Paporisz

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Yoram Paporisz (born February 13, 1944 in Kozłów ; † 1992 ) was a German - Israeli composer of Ukrainian origin.


Paporisz studied in Katowice with Ludomir Różycki , from 1962 to 1965 at the Tel Aviv Music Academy with Alexander Uriah Boscovich and then in Milan with Franco Donatoni and in Freiburg with Wolfgang Fortner . Since 1965 he lived as a composer in Germany.

In addition to the five-volume compendium Entdeckungen am Klavier and other piano works, he composed chamber music and a hexameron for harpsichord. In 1984 he received a prize from the Heinrich Strobel Foundation for his life's work .


  • Alfred Baumgartner: Propylaea World of Music - The Composers - A lexicon in five volumes . tape 4 . Propylaen Verlag, Berlin 1989, ISBN 3-549-07830-7 , pp. 253 .

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