Z4 plan

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The Z-4 plan stands for the " Zagreb 4 peace proposal" to end the Croatian war . The proposal was prepared by the Zagreb 4 Group (also known as the Mini Contact Group ) in collaboration with the UN Security Council and presented in early 1995. His goal was the peaceful reintegration of the so-called Republic of Serbian Krajina into the Croatian state and thus the restoration of the territorial integrity of Croatia.

The Zagreb 4 group consisted of representatives from the USA , Russia , France and Germany . Their plan was never implemented as it was rejected by the leadership of the Krajina Serbs . Milan Martić even refused to receive the document at all. Instead, a union with the Republika Srpska and Serbia was sought. On the Croatian side, Franjo Tuđman was fundamentally skeptical of the plan due to the desired extensive autonomy rights for the Krajina Serbs, but viewed it as a basis for further negotiations.

Overview of the plan

The aim of the plan was the reintegration of the so-called "Republic of Serbian Krajina" into Croatia and the establishment of far-reaching autonomy for the Krajina Serbs. The autonomy rights of the plan essentially consisted of extensive cultural autonomy (own script, schools, regional flag) and partial political autonomy through its own regional parliament, a president and a police. Complete demilitarization was planned. In addition, the plan envisaged the return of all Croatian displaced persons to their hometowns.


The Republic of Serbian Krajina refused to accept the plan because it intended to reintegrate into Croatia. The authorities in Belgrade had accepted the plan on condition that the sanctions against Yugoslavia were lifted.

The Serbian rejection of the plan was a major reason for the western states, and in particular the USA, to openly give military support to Croatia to recapture the Krajina Territory .


  1. Carolin Leutloff-Grandits (2004): " [1] ", Claiming Ownership in Postwar Croatia , LIT Verlag Münster / Hamburg / Berlin / Vienna / London / Zurich p. 119 ff.
  2. ^ DW-Welt: " [2] ", DW-world.de, article from August 2, 2005 .
  3. Transcripts of Galbraith's testimony ( memento from January 25, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) before the ICTY on June 24, 2008 (English)
  4. ^ Albert Bing: Put do Erduta. Položaj Hrvatske u međunarodnoj zajednici 1994-1995. i reintegracija hrvatskog Podunavlja. , Scrinia Slavonica, Vol. 7 (2007), p. 393 ff.