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Zabivaka (officially and according to English transcription ; Russian Забивака Sabiwaka ) is the mascot of the 2018 World Cup in Russia . Zabivaka is an anthropomorphic wolf with sports glasses .

Design competition

The wolf was developed by the design student Ekaterina Botscharowa from Tomsk . There was a public competition to find the symbolic figure, in which the animal made from faux fur and plastic emerged as the winner. In a final round, which took place as a show on Russian state television in late autumn 2016, the plush wolf received 53 percent of the votes, the other percent went to a cat and a tiger in a cosmonaut suit . The Russian Minister of Sports Vitaly Mutko and the footballer Cristiano Ronaldo presented the mascot to the world public .


Zabivaka is Russian and means something like “the one who scores” or “little goal scorer”. The figure of the wolf symbolizes perseverance and assertiveness as well as the ability to work in a team and is considered a typical Russian animal. She wears a white soccer jersey with the lettering 2018. FIFA World Cup. Russia and blue sleeves. There are also red sports pants and orange sports glasses . The colors of the clothes represent the Russian national colors .

The designer chose the glasses because “Zabivaka runs so fast that he has to protect his eyes from the wind”.

The choice of mascot does not meet with approval from all football fans, there is also malice and criticism.

The small goalscorer was presented to the visitors of the Confederations Cup 2017 for the first time. It quickly became the favorite of the Russian hosts and the visiting visitors.

In addition to being a plush toy in various sizes, the mascot can be found on clothing, bags, postcards, stamps, etc. The Siberian miniature artist Wladimir Aniskin created it in a size of 1.5 mm and thus entered the Guinness Book of Records . The Russian cosmonaut Oleg Artemjew also took a copy with him to the ISS in March 2018 .

To the north of Kaliningrad, an overhead line mast in the form of a zabivaka was built.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. kicker sports magazine : special issue: WM 2018. Olympia-Verlag , Nuremberg 2018, p. 216.
  2. ^ Football World Cup in Russia. Wladimir and the Wolf on, October 22, 2016; accessed on June 24, 2018.
  3. Yes, the wolf did it on
  4. 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia ™ - News - Wolf chosen as 2018 FIFA World Cup Official Mascot and named Zabivaka ™ - . In: . ( [accessed June 7, 2018]).
  5. a b Team player and typically Russian: the mascot Sabiwaka on; accessed on June 24, 2018.
  6. FOCUS Online: World Cup in Russia: This is the mascot . In: FOCUS Online . ( [accessed June 7, 2018]).
  7. a b Katrin Scheib: Sabiwaka - the World Cup wolf with secrets , accessed on June 24, 2018.
  8. World Cup mascot sparks russion quibbles , accessed June 24, 2018.
  9. Novisibirian master created a 1.5 mm large 'Zabivaka' (Russian) , accessed on June 24, 2018.
  10. pylon , report on