Zacarías González Velázquez

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Zacarías González Velázquez, self-portrait
Maria Luise von Bourbon-Parma , portrayed by Velázquez around 1790

Zacarías González Velázquez (born November 5, 1763 in Madrid , † January 30, 1834 ibid) was a Spanish painter .


Zacarías Velázquez came from a Madrid artistic family. The father Antonio González Velázquez became director of the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando in 1765 . The grandfather Pablo González Velázquez (1664-1727), a baroque sculptor , had come to Madrid in 1702. The uncles Luis González Velázquez (1715–1763) and Alejandro González Velázquez (1719–1772) were painters. The latter was also an architect. Zacarías' brothers Isidro (1765-1840) and Cástor (1768-1822) were also painters.

In 1777 the father took the son into the Academia. Zacarías Velázquez studied portrait painting there with Mariano Salvador Maella (1739–1819). Towards the end of the sophomore year, he won first prize for one of his paintings. After graduating in 1782, he immediately received orders - painted some rooms in the Royal Palace El Pardo with motifs from mythology. He worked as a tapestry draftsman for the Madrid Real Fábrica de Tapices . He worked as a decorative painter in the Catedral de la Asunción de Jaén , the Cathedral of Toledo and in the Oratorio del Caballero de Gracia church in Madrid . He continued his studies at the Academia, graduated in 1790 and was honorary professor there from 1793 to 1807. During the Napoleonic Wars , he became Deputy Director of Painting at the Academia and then later - from 1828 to 1831 - Director of the Academia.


  • Bertha Núñez: Zacarías González Velázquez, 1763-1834. Fundación de Apoyo a la Historia del Arte Hispánico, Madrid 2000

Web links

Commons : Zacarías González Velázquez  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual proof

  1. ^ Entry in the Bibliothèque nationale de France