Magic plant

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A magical plant , magic plant or a magic herb is a plant often medicinal plant , a virtus occulata (hidden or mysterious force), mostly in the context of certain rituals and magic is practices attributed. In the literature, they were divided into the following categories, which often resulted in multiple assignments:


  • Hartwig Abraham, Inge Thinnes: witch's herb and magic potion. Our medicinal plants in sagas, superstitions and legends. 3. Edition. Freund, Greifenberg 1997, ISBN 3-924733-02-3 .
  • Hanns Bächtold-Stäubli (ed.): Concise dictionary of German superstition . 10 volumes. De Gruyter, Berlin / Leipzig 1929–1942 (reprinted unchanged 2000: ISBN 3-11-016860-X ).
  • Dieter Beckmann , Barbara Beckmann: The secret knowledge of the herb witches. Everyday knowledge of bygone times. Deutscher Taschenbuch-Verlag, Munich 1997, ISBN 3-423-36038-0 .
  • Willy Louis Braekman: Middelnederlandse zegeningen, bezweringsformulate en toverplanten. In: Verslagen en mededelingen of the Koninklijke Vlaamse academie voor taal- en letterkunde. 1963, pp. 275-386.
  • Stefan Haag : About druid potion and witchweed. Medicinal and magic plants from all over the world. Kosmos, Stuttgart 2002, ISBN 3-440-09231-3 .
  • Stefan Haag: Love herbs and magic plants. Myths, superstitions, today's knowledge. Stuttgart 2010.
  • Gundolf Keil : Magic plants and wonder drug tracts. In: Leuvense bijdragen. Volume 57, 1968, pp. 165-175.
  • Ferdinand Ohrt: Herba gratiâ plena. Helsinki 1929 (= FF Communications. Volume 82).
  • Christian Rätsch , Claudia Müller-Ebeling: Lexicon of means of love. Herbal, mineral, animal and synthetic aphrodisiacs. AT-Verlag, Aarau 2003, ISBN 3-85502-772-2 .
  • Christian Rätsch: Lexicon of magic plants from an ethnological point of view. Academic Printing and Publishing Establishment, Graz 1988, ISBN 3-201-01437-0 .
  • Gertrud Scherf: Magic Plants - Witch Herbs. Myth and magic of native wild and cultivated plants. BLV, Munich et al. 2002, ISBN 3-405-16219-X .
  • Hans Schöpf: Magic Herbs. Graz 1986.
  • Jerry Stannard: Magiferous plants and magic in medieval medical botany. In: Maryland Historian. Volume 8, 1977, pp. 33-46.

Individual evidence

  1. Christina Becela-Deller: Ruta graveolens L. A medicinal plant in terms of art and cultural history. (Mathematical and natural scientific dissertation Würzburg 1994) Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 1998 (= Würzburg medical-historical research. Volume 65). ISBN 3-8260-1667-X , p. 104.