Zdrobite cătușe

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Zdrobite cătușe
Title in German Broke the chains
country Romania 1948Romania Romania
text Aurel Baranga
melody Matei Socor
Sheet of music Part 1 , part 2
Audio files MIDI ( Memento from August 12, 2012 in the Internet Archive )

Zdrobite cătușe ( Romanian Broken the Chains ) was Romania's provisional national anthem from 1947 to 1953 .


After King Michael's abdication and the abolition of the monarchy , the old national anthem Trăiască Regele was no longer up to date. For the People's Republic of Romania , proclaimed in 1947 , Matei Socor composed a new national anthem based on a text by the poet Aurel Baranga . This was only a temporary arrangement and was replaced in 1953 by Te slăvim, Românie , which was created through a competition.


original Literal translation

Zdrobite cătușe în urmă rămân,
In frunte-i mereu muncitorul,
Prin lupte și jertfe o treaptă urcăm
Stăpân pe destin e poporul.

Shattered shackles remain behind us, in
front is always the worker,
through fighting and sacrifice we climb a step.
The people are lord of fate.

Trăiască, trăiască,
Republica noastră.
În marş de nâvalnic şuvoi revărsat.
Muncitori și țărani, cărturari și ostași,
Zidim România Republicii noui.

Long live long live
our republic.
Rushing tide flowing through it on the march.
Workers and peasants, scholars and soldiers,
we are building the new Republic of Romania.

În lături cu putredul vechiu stăvilar
E ceasul de sfântă încordare
Unirea și munca și lupta-i stegar
Republicii noi popular.

Away with the rot of the old dam,
It is the hour of sacred effort.
Unity, work and struggle are the standard bearers of
the new People's Republic.


Spre țelul victoriei mari ne îndreptăm
E ceas de izbânzi viitoare
Credință îm muncă și luptă jurăm
Republicii noi populare.

We are heading towards the goal of great victory.
It is the hour of the coming victories.
We swear faith in work and struggle to
our new people's republic.


Singable, free transmission

If the chains are broken, emerging from the dungeons,
as the working class marches,
then as masters of our world we climb
the steps of the stone alley.

Long live the people's state, which men and women
forcefully lead to victory and happiness.
A thousand hands, a thousand heads
the new Romanian People's Republic by themselves .

Put aside what is rotten, and just grin and grumble!
The hour needs hearts that glow.
The banner of labor unfurling unity!
We do not fear sorrows and troubles!


In struggle, in work, in happy play,
no doubt backwards can bend us!
Towards the future, the shining goal!
The People's Republic, it will win!



  • Ulrich Ragozat: The national anthems of the world. A lexicon of cultural history. Herder Verlag GmbH, Freiburg im Breisgau 1982 ISBN 3-451-19655-7 p. 207

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