Cistercian Abbey of Les Clairets

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The Cistercian Abbey Les Clairets (also: Les Clérets ) was 1204-1792 a monastery of Cistercian nuns in Mâle , Orne , France.


Mathilde von Braunschweig, daughter of Mathilde Plantagenet and sister of Emperor Otto IV. Together with her husband Gottfried von Perche donated in 1204 south of Nogent-le-Rotrou on the river Huisne (today on the border of the departments Orne and Eure-et-Loir ), at that time the Diocese of Chartres, the nunnery Les Clairets (Latin: Claretis ), which was originally under the monastery of Savigny . Under Abbess Angélique d'Estampes de Valençay (1687–1708), the religious reformer Rancé stayed three times in the years 1690–1692 , which was the first nunnery to follow strict observance (progressive until 1700, then completely). When the abbey was dissolved by the French Revolution in 1792, the convent under Abbess Thérèse Gabrielle de Villeneuve de Trans had 29 nuns and 8 converses. Thanks to the des Plas family, the abbess's house (as a castle), a farm, the monastery portal and a reliquary from the 17th century in the chapel (privately owned) have been preserved.


  • Victor de Souancé: Abbaye royale de Notre-Dame des Clairets. Histoire et cartulaire, 1202-1790 . Hamard, Nogent-le-Retrou 1894.

Manual literature

  • Gallia Christiana , Vol. 8, Column 1324-1326 (with list of abbesses)
  • Laurent Henri Cottineau : Repertoire topo-bibliographique des abbayes et prieurés . Vol. 1. Protat, Mâcon 1939–1970. Reprint: Brepols, Turnhout 1995. Col. 796.
  • Bernard Peugniez : Le Guide Routier de l'Europe Cistercienne . Editions du Signe, Strasbourg 2012, p. 256.
  • Gereon Christoph Maria Becking: Cistercian monasteries in Europe. Card collection . Lukas Verlag Berlin 2000, ISBN 3-931836-44-4 , sheet 63 A.

Web links

Coordinates: 48 ° 16 ′ 18 ″  N , 0 ° 47 ′ 7 ″  E