Cistercian Abbey of Les Prés

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The Cistercian Abbey of Les Prés was 1212-1790 a monastery of Cistercian nuns in Douai , Nord , in France . It should not be confused with the Cistercian Abbey of Notre-Dame des Prés near Troyes and the Notre-Dame des Prés nunnery founded by Marie-Bernard Barnouin in Reillanne .


Notre-Dame des Prés Abbey, founded in Douai in 1212, was placed under the management of Vaucelles Monastery in 1218 . In 1220 the first abbess came from La Brayelle . Les Prés was destroyed by the French Revolution. The nun Hippolyte Lecouvreur (1747–1828) from Les Prés, who fled to England with the last abbess, Henriette de Maes, belonged (like her sister Hombeline) to the circle of founders of the Saint Bernard Sisters of Esquermes , whose motherhouse is now the monastery of La Cessoie is. In Douai, the Rue de l'Abbaye des Prés is a reminder of the monastery. The abbey's martyrology from the 13th century, the only illuminated Cistercian martyrology in France, is kept in the library of Valenciennes .


  • Jean-Pierre Gerzaguet, Le nécrologe de l'abbaye de moniales cisterciennes de Notre-Dame des Prés à Douai (fin XIIIe - début XIVe siècle). Presentation and commentary . In: Revue du Nord 391–392, 2011, pp. 815–831.
  • Bernard Peugniez : Le Guide Routier de l'Europe Cistercienne . Editions du Signe, Strasbourg 2012, p. 239.

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