Mocambo Cistercian Abbey

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The Cistercian Abbey Mocambo was 1654-1909 a monastery of Cistercian nuns in Estrela , Lisbon , in Portugal .


In the African quarter Mocambo in Lisbon (today: Madragoa, for the name Mocambo see Mozambique ) a community of pious women was incorporated into the Cistercian Congregation Alcobaça in 1654 and called itself Abadia de Nossa Senhora da Nazaré do Mocambo , also known under the name Convento das Bernardas do Mocambo . The convent, which followed the strict observance, founded the daughter monastery Tabosa in 1692 . After the monastery was destroyed by the Lisbon earthquake in 1755 , the nuns were temporarily housed in other places, namely from 1769 to 1786 in the Jesuit college of Franz Xavier in Setúbal , which also took in the sisters from Tabosa from 1771 to 1779. In Setúbal the convent was called Nossa Senhora da Nazaré de Setúbal . In 1786 the nuns returned to the restored monastery in Lisbon. Like all Portuguese monasteries after the victory of the Liberals in the Miguelista War, Mocambo Abbey was closed to newcomers in 1834. The last three nuns left the monastery in 1850. The last nun died in 1909. The building at Rua da Esperança 146, which now belongs to the city, houses a puppet museum. It still bears the name Convento das Bernardas . The street name Travessa de Convento das Bernardas is also reminiscent of the former monastery.


  • Maria Luísa Gil dos Santos: O Ciclo Vivencial do Mosteiro de Nossa Senhora da Assunção de Tabosa , 2002 (Diss. Online).

Manual literature

  • Maur Cocheril : Routier des abbayes cisterciennes du Portugal . Portuguese Cultural Center, Paris 1978 (newly edited by Gérard Leroux, Center culturel portugais, Paris 1986).
  • Laurent Henri Cottineau : Repertoire topo-bibliographique des abbayes et prieurés . Vol. 1. Protat, Mâcon 1939–1970. Reprint: Brepols, Turnhout 1995. Column 1626.
  • Bernard Peugniez : Le Guide Routier de l'Europe Cistercienne . Editions du Signe, Strasbourg 2012, p. 888.

Web links

Coordinates: 38 ° 42 ′ 29.5 ″  N , 9 ° 9 ′ 21.5 ″  W.