Zoltán Schönherz

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Zoltán Schönherz memorial plaque on the Gorkeha in Košice

Zoltán Schönherz (born July 25, 1905 in Košice , † October 9, 1942 in Budapest ) was a communist functionary in Czechoslovakia and Hungary and a resistance fighter against the Horthy regime.


After completing his electrical engineering studies in Prague , Schönherz worked for the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (KPTsch). In 1934 he became secretary of the Hungarian branch of the Slovak Youth Association. In 1935 he represented the Communist Youth Association of Czechoslovakia at the Communist Youth International . Schönherz helped organize an anti-fascist alliance between the Slovak and Hungarian youth organizations between 1936 and 1938. He was one of the leaders of the Union of Hungarian Youth, which was founded by the CPC. After the First Vienna Arbitration and the occupation of southern Slovakia by Hungarian troops in November 1938, Schönherz worked illegally for the Communist Party of Hungary (KPU). In 1939 Schönherz was sent to Moscow to obtain instructions from the Comintern . In December 1940 he became a member of the secretariat of the KPU, in January 1941 a member of the Central Committee of the KPU. As a participant in the resistance movement in Hungary, he headed the Committee for National Independence and wrote for the illegal KPU newspaper Szabad Nép (German: Free People).

Schönherz was arrested on July 6, 1942, tortured and sentenced to death by a military tribunal of the Horthy regime on September 30, 1942. He was executed on October 9, 1942.

