Zoogloea ramigera

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Zoogloea ramigera
Department : Proteobacteria
Class : Betaproteobacteria
Order : Rhodocyclales
Family : Rhodocyclaceae
Genre : Zoogloea
Type : Zoogloea ramigera
Scientific name
Zoogloea ramigera
Itzigsohn 1868

Zoogloea ramigera is a species of bacteria from the genus Zoogloea . It is also known in German as a tree bacterium. Zoogloea ramigera is a typical bacterium in wastewater and other bodies of water that are heavily polluted with organic matter.


Zoogloea ramigera forms mucus. The species grows in the form of sapling or antlers. These are up to 1.5 millimeters high. Individual bacteria are approximately 1 micrometer in size, rod-shaped and surrounded by gelatinous, translucent mucus. The cells form flakes to which fungi , protozoa and other bacteria attach.

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