On the history of the Bolshevik organizations in Transcaucasia

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The history of the Bolshevik organizations in Transcaucasia ( Russian К вопросу об истории большевистских организаций в Закавказье ) the title of which appeared in book form report which is Lavrenty Beria at the meeting of the Tbilisi reimbursed Party active from 21 to 22 July 1935th

Release history

The speech was first published in book form in Russian by the Partisdat publishing house in Moscow . In 1936 the publishing cooperative of foreign workers in the USSR published a German-language version, and another, supplemented and revised edition was published by the same publisher the following year. A new, expanded version followed in 1940 via the publishing house for foreign language literature in Moscow. In 1947 a supplemented version was published in Russian, which Dietz Verlag published in German in 1950 as volume 20 of the series Library of Marxism-Leninism . The last, ninth, edition appeared in 1952.


The text is divided into the preface and four sections:

On the history of the formation and development of the Bolshevik organizations in Transcaucasia (1897–1904)

Beria begins the activities of the Messame Dassi group around Noë Jordania , but emphasizes their positive attitude towards capitalism . In this organization a revolutionary minority formed. a. Belonged to Stalin and became increasingly emancipated, especially because of differences of opinion about the use of the illegal press. The members of this minority stood on the side of the Bolsheviks as a result of the Second Party Congress of the RSDLP . Stalin directed the establishment of workers' organizations and the implementation of strikes, e.g. B. in Batum , where a work stoppage on March 8, 1902 was forcibly broken up by the police. Furthermore, the work of Aleksandre Zulukidze and Lado Kezchoweli is highlighted.

On the history of the Bolshevik organizations of Transcaucasia during the period of the first Russian revolution (1905–1907)

The chapter begins with Stalin's flight from exile in 1904. The following describes the activities of the Caucasian Federal Committee of the RSDLP , which, due to the split in the party, turned against Menshevik organizations such as the Tbilisi Committee of the RSDLP , created several regional committees with Bolshevik characteristics published various newspapers. As a result of the revolution of 1905 , there were several strikes and land expropriations from large landowners. In particular, the second part of the chapter is characterized by the consideration of ideological differences between Bolsheviks and Mensheviks as well as other oppositional groups. a. with reference to Lenin's work Two Tactics of Social Democracy in the Democratic Revolution (1905).

On the history of the Bolshevik organizations of Transcaucasia in the period of reaction and the boom of the labor movement (1907-1913)

The third chapter focuses in particular on Stalin, several of his writings from this period are cited. His prison sentence served in Baku in 1908 is also mentioned. During this period, despite initial rapprochement, there was a final break between the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks, which was also reflected in the negative attitude of the Bolsheviks towards the Duma . Ultimately, the Prague Conference of 1912 is decisive here . A Bolshevik committee is established in Baku to influence the local labor movement as well as proletarians in other districts, particularly in the oil industry. In addition, the local organs receive personal support from Russian comrades. In contrast to Baku, the movement in Tbilisi initially had only limited popularity due to the local social structure.

On the history of the struggle against nationalist deviations (1913–1924)

With reference to Stalin's work Marxism, National and Colonial Question from 1913, a position is taken against a national-cultural autonomy of the Caucasus region. In this position the Bolsheviks stand in opposition to the Mensheviks and bourgeois parties, which is expressed at several party congresses after the October Revolution . The Trotskyist opposition is also mentioned in this context . The railways and foreign trade offices of Transcaucasia are merged, but further mergers in the economic field initially fail. In Georgia in particular, there are tendencies within the Bolsheviks against the establishment of the Transcaucasian Federation . Nevertheless, in 1922 the Federal Union of the Socialist Republics of Transcaucasia was formed with representatives from Georgia , Azerbaijan and Armenia . The individual peoples are granted a status of autonomy. In Azerbaijan, v. a. Sergei Mironowitsch Kirov helped crush the nationalist opposition. In Georgia, Noë Jordania leads a bourgeois movement that is also defeated in the conflict with the Bolsheviks.

The expanded version of the book contains additional remarks by Beria on the Prague Conference of 1912, an overview of Stalin's prison sentences and escapes, and notes on names, terms and events mentioned in the text.

Doubts about the authorship

During the plenary session of the CPSU Central Committee in July 1953 , Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov claimed that it was not Beria, but party members close to him who had written the document, the authorship of which the former head of the secret service, however, granted himself for career reasons. During the same event, Anastas Mikojan also accused of using the book for self-promotion despite the errors it contained . Evidence for the doubts about Beria's authorship has not been produced.


  • Lavrenti Beria: On the history of the Bolshevik organizations in Transcaucasia. Publishing Cooperative of Foreign Workers in the USSR, Moscow 1936.
  • Lavrenti Beria: On the history of the Bolshevik organizations in Transcaucasia. New, expanded edition. Dietz Verlag, Berlin 1950.

Individual evidence

  1. On the history of the Bolshevik organizations in Transcaucasia in the catalog of the German National Library , accessed on October 25, 2019
  2. Viktor Knoll, Lothar Kölm (ed.): The case of Berija. Protocol of an accounting , structure of Taschenbuch Verlag , Berlin 1993, ISBN 3-7466-0207-6 , pp. 88-90
  3. Viktor Knoll, Lothar Kölm (ed.): The case of Berija. Protocol of a settlement , structure of the Taschenbuch Verlag , Berlin 1993, ISBN 3-7466-0207-6 , p. 215