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Accommodation is a custodial measure and denotes the admission to a closed department of a psychiatric clinic or rehab clinic ordered by a court without or against the will of the person concerned .

Legal regulation

Accommodation is regulated differently in the individual states.


Accommodation is usually given in the case of schizophrenic illnesses, sometimes also manic-depressive illnesses or serious suicidal intentions due to the crisis .

If there is a significant risk to oneself or others, this is often averted with the placement.

Endangering yourself or others

Endangering oneself or others are important terms in connection with accommodation. If damage is imminent for the person concerned or for third parties, an urgent application can be made for childcare or immediate "temporary" accommodation in accordance with PsychKG or the State Accommodation Act , provided the risk cannot be averted otherwise.


The defense against an illness-related suicide attempt plays a major role in the rescue service and emergency psychiatry. But caring for chronically ill or confused people can also endanger oneself. An attribution of which mental disorders or illnesses are associated with an acute self-endangerment cannot be made generally valid. There are statistical differences, but it depends on the severity of the disorder and on the extent of any dangerous behavior or statements that have already occurred in the individual case. It is also important whether it is still possible to establish contact between the doctor and the patient, whether the patient is capable of reliable agreements and whether he or she wants to be treated voluntarily. Psychiatrically qualified emergency services like in Hamburg have been set up so that these questions can be examined by a specialist.

  • Compulsory placement based on public law is often about illness-related suicidality. This is statistically more common in acute organic or functional psychoses such as B. to expect schizophrenic disorders. Severe depression is also associated with a risk of suicide, but statistically less often leads to forced admissions. Psychosomatic disorders and anorexia do not usually fall under the conditions mentioned because they are not placed in psychiatric clinics, but in psychosomatic and psychotherapy clinics.
  • Compulsory admissions based on care law are not only about immediate suicidal risks, but also other severe, disorder-related forms of self-harm, e.g. B. Failure to treat the most severe physical ailments, severe neglect, legally also the danger of a severe aggravation of chronic mental disorders or helplessness with the risk of starvation or freezing or wandering around . Such prerequisites exist statistically more frequently in dementias , chronic psychoses such as schizophrenia , and severe addictions. The reaction of the environment also plays a role in the decision on compulsory admission based on care law. B. relatives play a role.

Foreign endangerment

Various mental illnesses increase the risk of aggressive behavior in principle. There are statistical accumulations z. B. in confusion due to acute organic psychoses, schizophrenic disorders, substance-bound, z. B. alcohol-dependent or drug-induced disorders, but also personality disorders. Aggressive states occur most often in acutely psychotic patients or under the influence of drugs. A fundamentally increased risk of aggressive behavior due to a mental illness alone does not justify compulsory placement, because the PsychKG and the state placement laws only target situations that can be expected immediately. An attack on a person or destruction with great damage or the disruption of public safety and order must be imminent within a very short time (a few hours to days) and occur with a high degree of probability. It should also be borne in mind that aggressive behavior can also be an expression of violent behavior without mental illness and that public law placement is therefore not possible due to a lack of mental illness. Instead, the person concerned falls into the domain of the police and the judiciary.

In terms of the law, there is talk of endangering others if

  • People are attacked due to delusional misjudgment,
  • the person concerned takes part in road traffic in an uncontrolled manner,
  • the person concerned carries out destruction with great damage,
  • public safety and order are disrupted or
  • massively other public legal interests are endangered.

See also


  • H.-J. Salize, A. Spengler , H. Dreßing : Forced admissions of mentally ill people - how specific are the differences in the federal states? Psychiatrische Praxis 2007, pp. 196–202
  • Henrike Bruns, Tanja Henking: Accommodation and compulsory treatment in numbers. In: Tanja Henking, J. Vollmann (Ed.): Forced treatment of mentally ill people. A guide for you to practice. Springer-Verlag 2015, pp. 20–28

Web links

Wiktionary: Accommodation  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations