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As cytodiagnosis (from Greek. Κύτος kytos "cavity" = cell ), the judgment is described by cells from their tissue formation by swab , biopsy (z. B. fine needle biopsy) or puncture were taken. The cells are examined microscopically as a colored specimen for histological changes or properties that could indicate a disease.

The preparations obtained or the individual cells smeared from secretions such as urine , saliva or other body fluids (e.g. blood , mucous membrane samples , gastric juice or the mucus of the cervix and the vagina ) are usually enriched with dyes by centrifugation or microfiltration .

Cytodiagnostics is used for the early detection of tumor diseases , inflammation and for the categorization of different storage diseases (thesaurismoses). With the help of cytodiagnostics, it is possible to observe the preliminary stages of carcinoma development . In gynecology , smears from the cervix have a special place in cancer diagnosis. These so-called Papanicolaou smears (PAP tests) of the female genital tract enable z. B. the early detection of cervical cancer (cervical cancer).

International Trade Society clinical cytologist is the International Academy of Cytology .

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Wiktionary: cytodiagnostics  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations