The canon

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The Canon, or more precisely Marcel Reich-Ranicki's Canon, is an anthology of outstanding works in German-language literature. The literary critic Marcel Reich-Ranicki announced it on June 18, 2001 in the news magazine Der Spiegel , under the title Canon of German-language works worth reading , as the magnum opus of his life. The five parts of the collection have been published annually by Insel Verlag since 2002, namely 1. Novels (2002), 2. Stories (2003), 3. Dramas (2004), 4. Poems (2005) and 5. Essays (2006) . As expected, the compilation met with approval as well as objections and reservations, but Reich-Ranicki considers the relevance question “incomprehensible, because renouncing a canon would mean a relapse into barbarism.” Which, in Reich-Ranicki's opinion, his canon compared to earlier compilations What distinguishes this kind of thing is that his canon is addressed to the “reader”, whereby he expressed the hope that “teachers and librarians, students and pupils” and those “who deal with literature primarily for professional reasons” would also be “, Taking advantage of it.


Reich-Ranicki's recommendations are published under the series title Der Kanon. The German literature published in book form with protective cardboard ( slipcase ).

  • The canon. German literature. Novels . 20 volumes (2002), ISBN 3-458-06678-0
  • The canon. German literature. Narratives . 10 volumes and 1 companion volume (2003), ISBN 3-458-06760-4
  • The canon. German literature. Dramas . 8 volumes and 1 companion volume (2004), ISBN 3-458-06780-9
  • The canon. German literature. Poems . 7 volumes and 1 companion volume (2005), ISBN 3-458-06785-X
  • The canon. German literature. Essays . 5 volumes and 1 companion volume (2006), ISBN 3-458-06830-9

The recommendation

Until 17th century

18th century

19th century

20th century

The publication

Novels (2002)

author plant author plant
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe The Sorrows of Young Werther Robert Musil The confusions of the pupil Törless
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Elective Affinities Franz Kafka The process
ETA Hoffmann The elixirs of the devil Alfred Doblin Berlin Alexanderplatz
Gottfried Keller The green Heinrich Joseph Roth Radetzky March
Theodor Fontane Mrs. Jenny Treibel Anna Seghers The seventh cross
Theodor Fontane Effi Briest Heimito from Doderer The Strudlhofstiege
Thomas Mann Buddenbrooks Wolfgang Koeppen Pigeons in the grass
Thomas Mann The magic Mountain Günter Grass The Tin Drum
Heinrich Mann Professor rubbish Max Frisch Montauk
Hermann Hesse Beneath the wheel Thomas Bernhard Chop wood

Stories (2003)

180 novellas , short stories , parables , fairy tales , legends and calendar stories from the Weimar Classic to the present in ten volumes by 90 authors:

Authors (Cont.) (Cont.) (Cont.) (Cont.)
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Adalbert Stifter Martin Buber Bertolt Brecht Siegfried Lenz
Friedrich Schiller Georg Buechner Robert Walser Elisabeth Langgässer Martin Walser
Johann Peter Lever Theodor Storm Alfred Doblin Anna Seghers Günter Grass
Jean Paul Gottfried Keller Robert Musil Hans Erich Nossack Günter Kunert
Ludwig Tieck Theodor Fontane Stefan Zweig Marie Luise Kaschnitz Christa Wolf
ETA Hoffmann Conrad Ferdinand Meyer Ernst knows Marieluise Fleißer Thomas Bernhard
Heinrich von Kleist Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach Franz Kafka Elias Canetti Gabriele Wohmann
Clemens Brentano Ferdinand of Saar Lion Feuchtwanger Wolfgang Koeppen Adolf Muschg
Adelbert von Chamisso Eduard von Keyserling Egon Erwin Kisch Max Frisch Uwe Johnson
Jacob and Arthur Schnitzler Ernst Bloch Arno Schmidt Ulrich Plenzdorf
Wilhelm Grimm Gerhart Hauptmann Gustav Sack Peter Weiss Peter Bichsel
Joseph von Eichendorff Frank Wedekind Gottfried Benn Wolfgang Hildesheimer Hans Joachim Schädlich
Franz Grillparzer Heinrich Mann Georg Heym Heinrich Boell Jurek Becker
Annette von Droste-Hülshoff Jacob Wassermann Kurt Tucholsky Wolfdietrich Schnurre Hermann Burger
Jeremias Gotthelf Hugo von Hofmannsthal Franz Werfel Friedrich Dürrenmatt Peter Handke
Heinrich Heine Thomas Mann Joseph Roth Wolfgang Borchert Christoph Hein
Wilhelm Hauff Rainer Maria Rilke Heimito from Doderer Ilse Aichinger Botho Strauss
Eduard Mörike Hermann Hesse Carl Zuckmayer Franz Fuehmann Christoph Ransmayr

Dramas (2004)


part 1

Walther von der Vogelweide to Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock

The Wessobrunn creation poem and prayer (early 9th century)

Dat gafregin ih with firahim

The Hildebrandslied (around 830/40)

Ik gehorta dat sedge

Merseburg magic spells (2nd third of 10th century)

First Merseburg magic spell (Eiris sazun idisi)
Second Merseburg Spell (Phol ende Wuodan)

Lorsch bee blessing (10th century)

Kirst, imbi is hucze

Riddle (11th century)

Snow and sun (bird flew featherless)
Ice, sun, wind (there is a bridge over the creek)

Dietmar von Aist (1139–1171)

Ez stuont a frouwe alone
Slâfest you, peace adorn

The von Kürenberg (around 1150/70)

I draw a whale
I'm not late

The Burgrave of Rietenburg (1150/70)

Sît si wil that I part from ir

Friedrich von Hausen (around 1150–1190)

Mîn heart and mîn lîp decide the waves
In mînem I dream

Unknown poet (around 1300)

I have a knight

Unknown poet (around 1300)

I don't know how to guotes

Emperor Heinrich (1165–1197)

I greet with songs the süezen
Wol higher then rîche

Hartmann von Aue (around 1165-1215)

Swelh frowe sends ir love you
Maniger greets me alsô
I have to bear with you

Heinrich von Veldeke (around 1170/1190)

It's a pity on mîner frouwen
Tristan muose sunder sînen danc
The waves hear mînen sanc

Unknown poet (around 1180)

You are mîn, I am dîn

Albrecht von Johansdorf (around 1180–1206)

The first love that I began
How minne rises, then I know

Heinrich von Morungen (around 1200)

Frowe, mîne swære yourself
I heard from the heathen
We melted away
I am no crown
Owê, but sol me iemer mê

Reinmar (around 1200)

I want to go all the time
No one sender suoche

Walther von der Vogelweide (around 1170-1230)

Under the linden
So the flowers and the grass urgently
Herzeliebez vrowelîn
Muget ir schouwen, waz dem meien
Si wonder well made wîp
Ir sult speak 'willekomen'
In a twin wân
Tell me, what is minne
Nemet, frowe, disen wreath
I should still live
Owê, daz wisdom and youth
I sit down with a stone
Ahî, how kristenlîche nu the bâbest laughs
Sagent on, Mr. Stoc
I hân mîn lêhen
Owê was gone

Wolfram von Eschenbach (around 1170 to after 1217)

The Morgenblic bî wahtæres sange Erkôs
Sîne klâwen
A wîp mac wol redeemed me
The hero minne ir lament
From the battlements
Original bluomen

Neidhart von Reuental (around 1190 to around 1245)

Now the little vogelîne is singing

Mechthild of Magdeburg (around 1210 to around 1283)

The wo / estin has two / eleven things (you should not minnen that)

Carmina Burana (before 1250)

Swaz was renamed gat
Chume, chume, journeyman min
I what a chint so well done

Sweet Child of Trimberg (around 1280)

Wa-hêb-vf and not-en-vind

Heinrich Hetzbolt von Wissense (1312-1345)

Wol me the hour

Oswald von Wolkenstein (around 1377–1445)

Happy, tender, luscious
Ain graserin
Wake up, my hoard!

Lochamer songbook (14th / 15th century)

All my thoughts

Unknown poet (1460/80)

It's a nice fall

Unknown poet (15th / 16th century)

Millwheel (Dört high on that mountain)

Martin Luther (1483–1546)

The 130th Psalm: De profundis clamavi (Out of deep need I cry to you)
The hymn of praise (in the middle of life)
The 46th Psalm: Deus noster refugium et virtus ( A strong castle is our God )
Da pacem domine ( Grant us peace graciously )
A nursery rhyme for Christ's Christmas ( from heaven high, there I come )
A song from the Holy Christian Church ( she is dear to me, dear maid )

Ulrich von Hutten (1488–1523)

Ain new song Mr. Vlrichs von Hutten (I dared with my senses)

Hans Sachs (1494–1576)

The prisoners complain (Lord God, have mercy)
The clever monkey land (one area is called the clever monkey land)
A table breeding (Ho / er, Mensch! If you want to go to the table)

Nicolaus Herman (1480–1561)

The morning blessing (The bright sun is shining now)

Unknown poet (around 1530)

Bird wedding (a Rayger wants to fish)

Unknown poet (1593)

Innsbruck I have to let you

Unknown poet (1555)

A beautiful spiritual song (O world I have to let you)

Georg Rodolf Weckherlin (1584–1653)

To Germany (Break the heavy yoke)
Love is life and death (Life as I lead)

Martin Rinckart (1586–1649)

Now all thank God

Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld (1591–1653)

A short poetic Christian song about the ox and donkey near the crib
(The wind on empty streets)
Born in Bethlehem

Martin Opitz (1597–1639)

Now the night falls
Oh dearest let's hurry
The beauty of this world is gone

Unknown poet (around 1587)

It is a big jump

Hainhofer's Lute Books (1603)

I am surrounded with love

Daniel Czepko (around 1605-1660)

Fear and mockery of love's reward (Nihm the rose from the thorns)
Where there is freedom and justice

Friedrich von Logau (1605–1655)

The people age (a child forgets itself)
May (only once a year is May)
Defeating yourself (conquering yourself)
Question (How wilstu white lilies)

Simon Dach (1605-1659)

Ännchen von Tharau
Do you want to give your heart to me

Johannes Rist (1607–1667)

Contemplation of Eternity (O Eternity, you thunder word)

Paul Gerhardt (1607–1676)

Thanksgiving song for the proclamation of peace (Praise God! Now it has risen)
Evening song ( now all forests rest )
Summer singing ( go out my heart )
To the face [of the Lord Jesus] (O head full of blood and wounds)

Georg Philipp Harsdörffer (1607–1658)

Man's life (Life is a leaf)

Paul Fleming (1609-1640)

Thoughts about time (you live in time)
On their absence (I wandered back and forth)
In the Italian way: O fronte serena (O lovely cheeks)
How he wants to be kissed (nowhere but open your mouth)
To Elsabe (it is u / emmother complain)
He laments the endangerment and fearfulness of Italian Germans (Itzt falls into confection)
In itself (be still undaunted)
At the time of his violation (A merchant who owns his estate)
The night when he watched her (but how do you hurry)

Andreas Gryphius (1616–1664)

It's all vain (Dv see where you see)
Human misery (what are we humans after all)
Thra / enes of the fatherland . Anno 1636 (we are now whole)
To the stars (you lights that I can't find on earth)
Likeness of our life. To the usual king game
(Man the game of time)
Thra / enen in serious illness. A. MDCXL. (Me i don't know how)
To yourself (I'm dreading myself)
Evening (the fast day is over)
Vanitas! Vanitatum Vanitas! (The glory of the earth)
Denial of the world (What do I ask about the world)
Contemplation of time (the years are not mine)
Thra / enen in severe illness (I'm not who I was)

Christian Hoffmann von Hoffmannswaldau (1616–1679)

Transience of beauty (pale death will be)
Albanie, use your time
On the mouth (mouth! Of the souls)
Description of perfect beauty (a hair so bold)
Schertz-Lied (When Venus was sitting the other day)
Aue in love (where are the hours)
The lust (the lust remains)
The world (what is the world)
The lust of the world (What is the lust of the world?)
The dead (what is the death of the pious?)

Sibylla Schwarz (1621–1638)

The god does not spare love
My everything is gone

Hans Jacob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen (1621 / 22–1676)

Come comfort of the night

Catharina Regina von Greiffenberg (1633–1694)

About the unspeakable Holy Spirit input (you unseen lightning)

Anton Ulrich of Braunschweig (1633–1714)

Die song (It's enough!)

Daniel Caspar von Lohenstein (1635–1683)

Inscription of a coffin (earthly and mortal people)

Christian Knorr von Rosenroth (1636–1689)

Morning prayer (morning shine of eternity)

Abraham a Sancta Clara (1644–1709)

Man is a foam

Barthold Hinrich Brockes (1680–1747)

The starry tree (The branches, which otherwise)
Cherry blossom at night (I see with a contemplative mind)

Johann Christian Günther (1695–1723)

Farewell Aria (just keep quiet)
When he had to do without what he loved (love something and do without)
When he presented Phyllis with a ring with a death's head
(Don't be alarmed by the love sign)
When he complained of his unfortunate condition (everything is falling)
When Leonore had to interrupt the conversation in a hurry (after much moo / eh and time)
To Leonoren (remember me, and be satisfied)
To Leonoren (my sorrow weeps for you alone)
To his bosom (my heart, what are we going to do with each other?)
To his bosom (so little a young vine)
To his Magdalis (happiness must be true)
Student song (brother! Let's be funny)
Consolation Aria (Finally it won't last forever)

Unknown poet (1717)

Prince Eugenius before Belgrade (Prince Eigenius, the noble knight)

Friedrich von Hagedorn (1708–1754)

To a sleeper (wake up beautiful sleeper)
First love (O how much life, how much time)
The morning (we are attracted by the dawn)

Albrecht von Haller (1708–1777)

Morning thoughts (the moon hides)

Christian Fürchtegott Gellert (1715–1769)

The blind and the lame (by chance there must be a blind)

Johann Wilhelm Ludwig Gleim (1719–1803)

Final conversation (angel of death, you're coming)

Anna Louisa Karsch (1722–1791)

To the Canon of Rochow (connoisseur of the saphic chants)

Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock (1724–1803)

The Zürchersee (beautiful is, mother nature)
To you (time, proclaimer of the best joys)
The ribbon of roses (In the spring shade I found you)
The summer night (When the shimmer of the moon)
The early graves (Welcome, O silver moon)
Our language (that none that lives)
The reunion (space takes me away)

Volume 2

Gotthold Ephraim Lessing to Friedrich Schiller

Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (1729–1781)

The loss (everything was lost for me)
The epic poems to the reader (who will not praise a Klopstock)
Funerary inscription on Voltairen (Here lies - if you)
Song from spanish (yesterday i love)

Christian Friedrich Daniel Schubart (1739–1791)

The trout (bright in a brook)

Matthias Claudius (1740-1815)

Singing a lullaby by the moonlight (So sleep now you little one)
Death and the maiden (over! Oh over)
Evening song (the moon has risen)
War song (it's war! It's war!)
Man (received and nourished)
Death (oh it's so dark)
Love (love does not inhibit anything)
To sing a song behind the stove (Winter is a right man)

Johann Gottfried Herder (1744–1803)

Erlkönig's daughter ( Mr. Oluf rides late and far)
Edward (your sword, how red is it with blood)

Gottfried August Bürger (1747–1794)

Lenore (Lenore drove at dawn)
The farmer to his prince (who are you, prince?)
Consolation (when the blasphemous tongue stings you)
Means against the arrogance of the great (I hear a lot of complaints)

Leopold Friedrich Günther von Goeckingk (1748–1828)

When the first snow fell (Like a king)

Ludwig Christoph Heinrich Hölty (1748–1776)

Legacy (your friends, depends on when I died)
Grave digger song (grave, spade, grave)

Johann Wolfgang Goethe (1749-1832)

To the moon (fill the bush and valley again)
Wanderer's storm song (If you don't leave Genius)
Reviewer (I had a guy as a guest)
To brother-in-law Kronos (Spute dich Kronos)
Prometheus (Cover Your Sky Zeus)
Ganymede (As in the dawn)
In court (who I got it from, I won't tell you)
Wanderer's Night Song ( That You Are From Heaven)
Night thoughts (I regret unfortunate stars for you)
Where are we born from?
Everything gods gave the infinite
Heidenröslein (saw a boy)
To the distant one (so I really have you)
New love new life (heart, my heart, what's that supposed to give?)
With a painted ribbon (small flowers, small leaves)
Restless love (the snow, the rain)
Autumn feeling (fat green, you leaves')
The fisherman (the water rushed, the water swelled)
Erlkönig (who rides so late)
Mahomet's song (See the rock spring)
Mailied (how gloriously shines)
Harz trip in winter (like the vulture)
Seafaring (long days and nights)
Limits of Humanity (If the Ancient, Holy Father)
The divine (noble be man)
Cowardly thoughts, anxious wavering
Roman Elegy 5 (6) (I feel happy now)
Lover's closeness (I think yours)
Sea silence (deep silence reigns in the water)
Happy ride (the mists tear apart)
The violet (a violet stood in the meadow)
The king in Thule (There was a king in Thule)
The treasure digger (arm to bag, sick of heart)
The sorcerer's apprentice (hat the old sorcerer)
The God and the Bajadere (Mahadöh, the Lord of the Earth)
Found (I walked in the forest)
Welcome and farewell (my heart was beating)
Night singing (O! Give, from the soft puddles)
The same (over all peaks)
Alternating Duration (Hold This Early Blessing)
The singer (what do I hear outside)
Song of the spirits over the waters (man's soul)
Do you know the country [Mignon]
Only those who know longing [Mignon]
Who never ate his bread with tears [harpist]
Philine (don't sing in mourning tones)
To Werther (you dare once more)
Elegy (what should I hope from seeing you again)
Original words. Orphic (like the day that you)
An old man is always a King Lear!
The lover is writing (One look from your eyes)
The lover again (why I go back to paper)
The best (when it's in your head and heart)
To Madame Marie Szymanowska (Passion brings suffering!)
When looking at Schiller's skull (It was in the serious ossuary)
Dusk fell from above
The groom (at midnight, I was sleeping)
Nature and art seem to flee each other
Joyful and sorrowful
Talismans (God's is the Orient!)
Blessed longing (don't tell anyone, just the wise)
Reader (Most Whimsical Book of Books)
Gingo Biloba (This Tree's Leaf)
Hatem (curls! Hold me captive)
On full tufts of branches You may hide yourself in a thousand shapes
Born to see, ordered to look
Everything that is fleeting is just a parable

Jakob Michael Reinhold Lenz (1751–1792)

Where are you now, my unforgettable girl

Friedrich Schiller (1759–1805)

Human dignity (nothing more, I ask you)
The division of the earth (take the world!)
The guarantee (crept to Dionys the tyrant)
The walk (hail my mountain)
Saying of Confucius (three times is the step of time)
Saying of Confucius (three times is the measure of space)
The song of the bell (solidly bricked in the earth)
The diver (who dares, Rittersmann or Knapp)
The glove (in front of his lion garden)
The Ring of Polycrates (It stood on its battlements)
The cranes of Ibycus (To the battle of the chariots and songs)
Hope (people talk and dream a lot)
The ideal and life (Eternally clear and mirror-like)
The gods of Greece (Since you still rule the beautiful world)
Resignation (I was born in Arcadia too)
The words of madness (three words are difficult to hear)
Nänie (Even the beautiful must die!)
The arrival of the new century (noble friend! Where opens)
The Maid of Orleans (The Noble Image of Mankind)
The veiled image of Sais (A young man who thirsts for knowledge)
Of joy (joy, beautiful spark of gods)
Punschlied (four elements intimately joined)
The Count of Habsburg (At Aachen in its imperial splendor)

Johann Peter Hebel (1760–1826)

The rose (in the garden I saw fresh)

Sophie Christiane Friederike Brun (1765–1835)

I think your

Volume 3

Friedrich Hölderlin to Annette von Droste-Hülshoff

Friedrich Hölderlin (1779–1843)

Evening fantasy (sitting quietly in the shade in front of his hut)
To the Germans (don't mock the child)
To the Parzen (only allow a summer, you mighty ones!)
Keepsake (the northeast blows)
Bread and Wine (The city rests all around)
The pleasant thing in this world
The farewell (did we want to break up?)
The walk to the country (Come! In the open, friend!)
The oak trees (from the gardens I come to you)
Home (the skipper returns home happy)
The brevity (why are you so short?)
Half of life (hanging with yellow pears)
Heidelberg (I've loved you for a long time)
Higher humanity (people are given inner meaning)
Hyperion's Song of Destiny (You walk in the light above)
CV (you wanted bigger too)
Applause (is not my heart sacred)
Socrates and Alcibiades (Why do you pay homage)
My property (the autumn day now rests in its fullness)
Go down, beautiful sun
Song of the German (O sacred heart of the peoples, O fatherland!)

Novalis (1772-1801)

Waltz (Turned Down The Paths Of Life)
To Adolph Selmnitz (what fits, that has to come together)
On Sophien's birthday (who won a lovely wife)
The sky was changed
I see all people live
Hymns to night 2. (Does morning always have to come again?)
Spiritual songs II. (Far in the east it will be bright)
Spiritual songs V. (If only I have him)
Spiritual songs VI. (When everyone is unfaithful)
Spiritual Songs VII. Hymn (Few Know The Secret Of Love)
Spiritual songs X. (There are so anxious times)
Spiritual songs XI. (I don't know what to look for)
Spiritual songs XV. (I see you in a thousand pictures)
If not more numbers and figures

Ludwig Tieck (1773-1853)

Schifferlied the water fairy (drawn on waves)
To Novalis (all forces rise from the core)
Wonder of love (moonlit magic night)
Goodbye (what is life?)

Heinrich von Kleist (1777–1811)

Girl riddle (he dreams to earth)

Des Knaben Wunderhorn (1805/08)

Harvest song (It's a reaper, his name is death)
Love test (A linden tree saw the deep valley)
The Tannhauser (but now I want to raise)
Müller's farewell (up there on that mountain)
If I were a bird
To a messenger (when you come to my treasure)
The Jew's Daughter (It was a beautiful Jewess)
Three riders at the gate (Three riders rode out of the gate)
Nocturnal hunt (I ride with pleasure)
Delay (mother, oh mother!)
Rheinischer Bundesring ( Soon I'll be grazing on the Neckar )
Let rustle dear, let rustle (I hear a little rustling)
1st epistle (I have my heart)
No fire, no coal
Noble King's Children (There were two Noble King's children)
The hunchbacked man (I want to go to my little garden)

Clemens Brentano (1778-1842)

I hurry there, and forever flees the look
Lureley (To Bacharach am Rheine)
I wanted to tie a bouquet
When the sun has gone
To Seville, to Seville
The Spinner Night Song (It sang long years ago)
Evening serenade (listen, the flute complains again)
Lureley (Sing softly, softly, softly)
About a sketch: despair of love in love
(In love struggle? Sunk in agony?)
In a foreign place (I've moved far)
Do you hear the fountain rushing?
Spring cry of a servant from below (Master, without your mercy)
August 25, 1817 (I want to go down alone)
When the lame weaver dreams he is weaving
What is ripe in these lines

Karoline von Günderrode (1780–1806)

The one lament (who has the deepest of all wounds)
Crimson (you deeply red)
Do you love the dark

Achim von Arnim (1781–1831)

I am too light to sleep
With every pressure of the pen

Adelbert von Chamisso (1781–1838)

On my heart, on my chest
Women's love and life (since I saw him)
I can not believe it
The old laundress (you see the linen busy)
You just go there (I was young too)
What can I say? (My eyes are cloudy, my mouth is mute)
Farewell (who should ask how it happened?)

Marianne von Willemer (1784–1860)

Suleika (delighted in your love)
Suleika (Oh! For your damp wings)

Justinus Kerner (1786–1862)

Wanderer (The streets that I walk)
The heavy dream (I'm dreaming, I'm even afraid)
Who made you so sick? (That you got so sick)
Illusion (I was sleeping in dreams)
To you in old age (I've still become that way)
The wanderer in the sawmill (down there in the mill)
In the railway station (do you hear the whistle)

Ludwig Uhland (1787–1862)

The chapel (above is the chapel)
Departure (that's how I left town)
Contemplation (with a landlord, miraculously mild)
Homecoming (O don't break, bridge)
Belief in spring (the lime skies have awakened)
The good comrade (I had a comrade)
The landlady's little daughter (three boys moved)
The white stag (There were three hunters)
The singer's curse (It was in the old days)
The blind king (what suits the northern fencers crowd)

Joseph von Eichendorff (1788-1857)

Song (in a cool ground)
Forest talk (it's getting late)
Fresh ride (tepid air flows blue)
Twilight (dusk wants to spread its wings)
In a foreign country (I hear the brooks rustling)
Midday rest (over mountains, rivers and valleys)
The poet (am I far from you: I look down)
Spring trip (two armed fellows set off) ; also known as: The Two Journeyman
Evening (silence the people loud lust)
At night (I wander through the silent night)
In the foreign (from the home behind the lightning red)
The night flower (night is like a calm sea)
Lure (can't you hear the trees rustling)
Beautiful strangers (The tops rustle)
The Hermit (Come comfort to the world)
Moon night (it was as if the sky had)
Saying (over there from the blessed land)
Dowsing rod (sleeps a song in all things)
The messenger (shoot in the sky)
In the forest (there was a wedding)
Farewell (O valleys, o heights)
Spring night (over the garden through the air)

Friedrich Rückert (1788–1866)

Amara, please, what you do is bitter
From the youth
I am lost to the world
You are a shadow during the day
I'm tired, dead tired
You are calm, the peace is mild
You, my soul. You, my heart
Often I think they just went out
Love spoke

Ferdinand Raimund (1790–1836)

Planed song (the people argue)

Wilhelm Müller (1794-1827)

Impatience (I liked to cut it into every bark)
The linden tree (at the fountain in front of the gate)
Spring dream (I dreamed of colorful flowers)
Loneliness (like a cloudy cloud)
Last hope (here and there is on the trees)
The signpost (what do I avoid the paths)
The Leiermann (Over behind the village)

August von Platen (1796–1835)

The grave in Busento (lisp at night at Busento)
Tristan (who looked at beauty with eyes)
Dust of paint on the swingarm
It's because of a person's pain
My heart is torn
The current that rustled next to me
You say that I was wrong
This labyrinth of bridges and alleys
When deep sadness weighs my soul
I want when I die
Who ever understood life rightly?
Here, where the snow of the Alps shines with peaks
This spirit longs for the distance forever

Annette von Droste-Hülshoff (1797–1848)

The pond (it lies so still in the morning light)
The steppe (did you ever stand on the beach)
The boy in the moor (Oh, it's scary to walk across the moor)
At the tower (I stand on high balconies)
Im Moose (As recently the night)
Distress (what do you talk about so much about fear and distress)
To Levin Schücking [1] (Not a word, even if it were sharp as a steel blade)
To Levin Schücking [2] (O don't ask what moves me so deeply)
The reflection (are you looking at me from the crystal)
The Taxus Wall (I like to stand in front of you)
The dead lark (I stood on your country's borders)
In the grass (sweet peace, sweet tumble in the grass)
Moon rise (I leaned against the balcony bars)
To my mother (I would have loved to have made a beautiful song)

Volume 4

Heinrich Heine to Frank Wedekind

Heinrich Heine (1797-1856)

Expectation (in the morning I get up and)
To Carl v. U. (At first I almost wanted to despair)
Farewell (beautiful cradle of my sorrows)
The Grenadiers (Two Grenadiers moved to France)
Belsatzar (Midnight was drawing nearer)
Water ride (I stood leaning against the mast)
Don't embarrass me, my beautiful child
They told you a lot
You tormented me
Sprout from my tears
A young man loves a girl
The rose, the Lilje, the dove, the sun
On my dearest eyes
The old bad songs
On the wings of song
In the Rhine, in the beautiful river
A spruce tree stands lonely
From my great pain
They sat and drank at the tea table
I cried in a dream
The Loreley (I don't know what is it supposed to mean)
My heart, my heart is sad
When I'm at your home
You have diamonds and pearls
The sea shone far out
Song (you are like a flower)
Donna Clara (In the evening garden)
Leave Berlin with its thick sand
A millennium and longer
in the beautiful month of May
Softly pulls through my mind
The young lady stood by the sea
I once had a beautiful fatherland
When I am delighted with beautiful kisses
The Song of Songs (The woman's body is a poem)
Where? (Where will the wanderer weary)
Night thoughts (I think of Germany at night)
The new Israelitische Hospital zu Hamburg (a hospital for poor, sick Jews)
The Silesian Weavers (No tear in the gloomy eye)
The Asra (Daily went the beautiful)
Happiness is an easy whore
Autodafé (wilted violets, dusty curls)
Imperfection (nothing is perfect)
Memorial service (no mass will be singed)
Enfant perdu (lost post in the war of freedom)
Leave the sacred parabolas
Brown rats (there are two types of rats)
He should not be thought of!
Words! Words! no deeds!

August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben (1798–1874)

Spring arrival ( all the birds are already there )
The wild geese (you wild geese are fine)
The song of the Germans (Germany, Germany, about everything)

Nikolaus Lenau (1802-1850)

To melancholy (you guide me through life)
Heavenly mourning (A thought walks on the face of the sky)
The moonlight (I am lonely thinking of you)
Night hike (The night is dark)
Please (because on me, you dark eye)
Reed lilacs 1. (Over there the sun sets)
Reed lilacs 3. (On a secret forest path)
Reed 5. (On the pond, the motionless one)
Winter night (the air is frozen in the cold)
The postillon (the May night was lovely)
Loneliness (wild, overgrown dark spruce trees)
To the distant one (I pick this rose here)
The three gypsies (I found three gypsies once)
Look into the stream (did you see happiness pass by)

Wilhelm Hauff (1802-1827)

Reiters Morgenlied (Morgenrot, Do you shine for an early death?)

Eduard Mörike (1804–1875)

Encounter (what was a storm last night)
An hour before day (while I was asleep)
In the morning (no sleep nor my eye cools me)
It's him (spring leaves its blue ribbon)
Question and answer (you ask me where the fear comes from)
Farewell ("Farewell" - You don't feel)
Insatiable love (That's love!)
The abandoned maid (early, when the cocks crow)
To each his own (Aninka danced)
The beautiful beech (completely hidden in the forest)
On a lamp (still not crazy, oh beautiful lamp)
Departure (ready for departure)
September morning (the world still rests in the fog)
Concealment (let, o world, o let me be!)
Early in the car (it is dawning)
Think it, oh soul! (A little girl turns green)
At midnight (calmly the night rose to land)
To the beloved (If I, deeply satisfied by your gaze)
Prayer (Lord! Send what you will)
Life and death (is life looking for death?)
To Luise (it's true, my child)

Ferdinand Freiligrath (1810–1876)

Prinz Eugen, the noble knight (tents, guards, Werda callers!)
Hamlet (Germany is Hamlet!)

Hermann von Gilm zu Rosenegg (1812–1864)

All Souls' Day (put the fragrant mignonette on the table)

Friedrich Hebbel (1813–1863)

Autumn picture (This is an autumn day like I never saw one!)
Evening feeling (night and day fight peacefully)
Our time (It's the time of the silent world judgment)
Me and you (we dreamed of each other)
Summer picture (I saw the last rose of summer)
When the roses bloomed forever

Richard Wagner (1813-1883)

My friend! In lovely youth

Georg Büchner (1813–1837)

Night (descended another night)
O my tired feet, you must dance
What are you going to do, girl?

Robert Eduard Prutz (1816–1872)

Freedom is not lost yet

Georg Herwegh (1817–1875)

Reiterlied (The anxious night is now over)

Theodor Storm (1817-1888)

October song (the fog rises, the leaves fall)
Apart (it's so quiet; the heather lies)
Elisabeth (my mother wanted it)
The city (On the gray beach, on the gray sea)
Sea beach (the seagull is now flying to the harbor)
Harp Girl's Song (Today, Today Only)
The nightingale (that does, it has the nightingale)
A green leaf (a leaf from summer days)
In the evening (Why do the Levkoy smell)
Hyacinths (distant echoes music)
Moonlight (how lies in the moonlight)
Who ever lived in love arms
Close both my eyes
And it was also a great pain
From cats (last May day brought my cat)
A spring night (it's so humid inside)
Consolation (so come what may come!)
Beginning of the end (It's just a point)
To be forgotten and to be forgotten
Whispers of the night (It's a whisper in the night)
Across the heather (my step echoes across the heath)
Encounter (that sweet smile died you)
Last sheet (you are so young)
The trees rustle

Klaus Groth (1819-1899)

Min Jehann (Ik wull, wi weern noch kleen)

Gottfried Keller (1819–1890)

A beautiful legend goes on
Autumn (in autumn when the forest is defoliated)
In the city (where three alleys cross)
Winter night (not a flap of wings went through the world)
First snow (how everything dies now)
Beautiful bridge (Beautiful bridge, you carried me many times)
Evening song (eyes, my dear little windows)
The public slanderers (a vermin rests)

Theodor Fontane (1819–1898)

Midday (the pine dreams in the forest)
Sleep (now it hits me)
Exit (always narrower, quiet, quiet)
It tingles and tingles on (the tide rises up to the Ararat)
But we let others do it (A Chinese)
Yes, I would still like to experience that (actually everything is the same to me)
The bridge on the Tay (When do we three meet again?)
From the Fehrbelliner battlefield (flowers, friend, to bring with you)
Mr. von Ribbeck on Ribbeck in Havelland
My life (my life, it's hardly a life)
On my seventy-fifth (a hundred letters arrived)
Summa Summarum (A Little Position)

Hermann Allmers (1821–1902)

Field loneliness (I lie still in the tall, green grass)

Georg Weerth (1822-1856)

The Hunger Song (Dear Lord and King)

Conrad Ferdinand Meyer (1825–1898)

Night noises (report the night noises to me)
Lenzfahrt (The sun grows glow in the sky)
Sultry (the sultry summer's day smoldered gloomily)
On the grand canal (to bed on the grand canal)
The Roman Fountain (The Ray Rises)
Two Sails (Illuminating Two Sails)
Twilight (you live above the sea)
At the gate of heaven (I dream, I come to the gate of heaven)
Chorus of the Dead (We Dead, We Dead)
The feet in the fire (wild lightning flashes)

Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach (1830-1916)

The ship (The hurrying ship, it comes through the waves)
A little song

Wilhelm Busch (1832–1908)

The love was not small
There is a bird sitting on the glue
Finch and Frog (The finch whistles in the apple tree)
Comforting (neighbor Nickel is morose)

Ferdinand von Saar (1833–1906)

Child tears (Do you want the sufferings of this earth)
Autumn (which you color the woods)

Detlev von Liliencron (1844–1909)

Village church in summer (the sexton sings sleepily)
For one summer (between rye fields and hedges)
The music is coming (Klingling, bumbum)

Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900)

Oh man! Watch out!
Standing at the bridge
The lonely one (I hate following)
Ecce Homo (Yes! I know where I come from!)
In the south (so I'm hanging on a crooked branch)
The crows are screaming

Christian Wagner (1835-1918)

In the garden of the Albergo del Sole (death and life, close together)

Richard Dehmel (1863-1920)

The labor man (we have a bed)
Some night (when the fields darken)

Arno Holz (1863–1929)

Red roofs!
Its roof was almost up to the stars

Ricarda Huch (1864–1947)

Love rhymes VIII. (Does the tree believe in May)
Longing (to be with you)
Doom (there is no way in heaven)
Schubart II. (How the graceful swallows prepare)
Destiny (what's in your soul)
Where did you get all the beauty from
My heart, my lion, holds fast to its prey

Frank Wedekind (1864-1918)

The aunt killer (I slaughtered my aunt)
The poor child's song (Once upon a time there was a poor child)

Richard Beer-Hofmann (1866–1945)

Lullaby for Mirjam (sleep my child - sleep, it's late!)
"The lonely way" To Arthur Schnitzler (All the ways we tread)

Rudolf G. Binding (1867-1938)

Saying for a sundial (the day goes over my face)

Volume 5

Stefan George to Kurt Tucholsky

Stefan George (1868–1933)

At baches
The lord of the island (The fishermen narrate)
The hill where we walk
You slim and pure as a flame
Kidnapping (move with me beloved child)
It laughs at you in the rising year
Window where I once with you
Come to the park that has been declared dead
Slow hours overflow
Seelied (if on the chin in a gentle case)
Who ever walked around the flame
We pace up and down
See my child i'm going

Else Lasker-Schüler (1869–1945)

Morituri (you have a dark song)
Spring (we want like the moonlight)
End of the world (There is a cry in the world)
Do you see me - (Between earth and sky?)
Reconciliation (it will be a big star)
An old Tibetan carpet (your soul that loves mine)
Jacob (Jacob was the buffalo)
Giselheer the Tiger (sneak across your face)
Goodbye (but you never came)
Prayer (I'm looking for a city all over the world)
The scare away (It's the day in fog)
I know (I know that I'll die soon)
My blue piano (I have a blue piano at home)
A love song (come to me in the night)
My love song (In my lap)

Karl Wolfskehl (1869–1948)

By the old waters I. (Save Lord! The sand in the land)
At the old waters II. (We wandered down in the evening)
From the fluffed mountain rear sight

Felix Dörmann (1870–1928)

What i love (i love the hectic)

Christian Morgenstern (1871–1914)

The aesthetic weasel (a weasel sat on a pebble)
The Chicken (In the station hall)
The werewolf (a werewolf escaped one night)
The two donkeys (a sinister donkey spoke once)
Palmström stands by a pond
The Impossible Fact (Palmström, something of years ago)
Mr. Meier considers himself the measure of the world
Three hares (three hares dance)
The glasses (Korf likes to read quickly)
A smile fades away

Hugo von Hofmannsthal (1874–1929)

Ballad of outer life (And children grow up)
Your face (your face was with dreams)
The youth in the landscape (the gardeners uncovered their beds)
The two (she carried the mug)
A dream of great magic (Much more regal than a pearl ribbon)
Experience (with a silver-gray scent)
To sing in the green I. (Didn't you hear it)
To sing in the green II. (The sky was cloudy and heavy)
To sing in the green III. (The sweetheart spoke)
Little flowers (little flowers, little songs)
Art of storytelling (do you want to portray the murder?)
Song of Life (Let the heir waste)
Some of course (some of course have to die below)
Prologue to the book ›Anatol‹ (high bars, yew hedges)
Travel song (water rushes to devour us)
Terzinen I. On transience (I still feel their breath)
Early spring (the spring wind is blowing)
What is the world
World secret (The deep well knows it well)
We're made of the stuff like dreaming that

Börries von Münchhausen (1874–1945)

Beyond (beyond the valley)
Peasant uprising (The bells stormed)

Karl Kraus (1874–1936)

Confession (I'm only one)
The rhyme (The rhyme is only favor with the language)
Nightly hour (Nightly hour that goes by me)
You don't ask what I was doing all this time

August Stramm (1874–1915)

Patrol (The Stones Enemy)

Rainer Maria Rilke (1875–1926)

We are workers: squires, disciples, masters
Childhood (the school is scared for a long time)
The boy (I want to be one)
Autumn day (lord: it's time)
Evening (the evening slowly changes clothes)
Final piece (death is great)
Prayer for the lunatic and convicts (you, of whom the being)
Formerly Apollo (as many times)
The panther (His gaze is from the passing of the wands)
The swan (this hardship, through still undone)
The blind woman (she was having tea like the others)
Goodbye (how did i feel that)
Blue hydrangea (Like the last green)
Roman fountain (two basins, one above the other)
The carousel (with a roof and its shadow turns)
Archaic torso of Apollo (We didn't know)
Leda (as him the god)
The flamingos (in mirror images like Fragonard's)
Almost all things beckon to get in touch
Exposed on the mountains of the heart
Duino Elegies. The eighth elegy (the creature sees with all eyes)
The sonnets to Orpheus IX. (Only those who have already raised the lyre)
The sonnets to Orpheus X. (You who never)
The sonnets to Orpheus XXI. (Spring has come again)
Wild rose bush (How does he stand in front of the blackouts)
Magic (from indescribable transformation)
Rose, oh pure contradiction

Gertrud von Le Fort (1875–1971)

German suffering (skipper, pull away the bridge)

Theodor Däubler (1876–1934)

The cab (a car is standing)

Rudolf Borchardt (1877–1945)

Farewell (we haven't)
With your shoes (you can't do what you want)

Hermann Hesse (1877–1962)

Tramp hostel (How strange and strange that is)
In the fog (Strange to wander in the fog!)
Alone (It lead across the earth)
No consolation (there is no path to the primeval world)
Good hour (strawberries are glowing in the garden)
The man of fifty years (from cradle to grave)
For the death of a little child (now you're gone)
Stages (as every flower wilts)

Rudolf Alexander Schröder (1878–1962)

Only with the edge of my fingernail
Shadow (tree, cloud, water and shadow)

Erich Mühsam (1878–1934)

The revolutionary (once was a revolutionary)

Georg Kaiser (1878–1945)

Pleading (not, mighty creator)

Hans Carossa (1878-1956)

Way home (is my garden getting dark?)
The summit seemed inaccessible
The old well (put out your light)

Agnes Miegel (1879–1964)

The sister (my sister has a wedding)
The Nibelungs (they sat in the darkened hall)
The women of Nidden (The women of Nidden stood on the beach)

Paul Zech (1881-1946)

Who is on the run like us
In the twilight (In the black mirror of the canals)

Wilhelm Klemm (1881–1968)

At the front (the land is barren)

Stefan Zweig (1881–1942)

The sixty year old thanks (Linder hovers over the dance)

Wilhelm Lehmann (1882–1968)

To my oldest son (the winter linden, the summer linden)
To sing in the winter (The hunters tighten the leghold traps)
In Solothurn (a hundred years ago I was looking)

Karl Valentin (1882–1948)

A morality in the city darkness (there was once a man)

Joachim Ringelnatz (1883–1934)

The ants (two ants lived in Hamburg)
"You lazy, lost slut"
Logic (the night was cold)
Boomerang (once was a boomerang)
Come on tell me what your worries are (a lark chirps)
The serious one (where I eat white sausages in the evening)
To Berlin children (what do you think)
Ditty (time flies)

Ernst Stadler (1883–1914)

Infatuation (now you are, soul)
Form is lust (form and bolt had to break first)
The departure (once already have fanfares)
Drive over the Cologne Rhine Bridge at night (the express train feels its way)
River in the evening (The evening runs down the mild river)

Oskar Loerke (1884–1941)

When looking at Holbein's dance of death (you could come at night)
Letter (I lie lonely here in the dark house)
Winter bird feeding (zap from all sides)
Legacy (Any Bloody Realm)

Ina Seidel (1885–1974)

Consolation (the linden trees smell immortal)
Farewell (I left the door open)
Face (see, at first I thought it was the moon)

Paul Boldt (1885–1921)

Young horses (who knows the flowering meadows)
In the world (I drop my face on stars)

Gottfried Benn (1886–1956)

Beautiful youth (A girl's mouth)
Man and woman go through the crab barracks (The man: here this series)
Hall of the Kreißenden Frauen (The poorest women of Berlin)
Spa concert (about cripples and bathing rolls)
For how much longer
Asters (asters - wallowing days)
I fall asleep on your eyelids
Loner never - (Loner never than in August)
Goodbye (you fill me like blood)
One word (one word, one sentence)
Artist morale (you can only show yourself in words)
Sentence structure (everyone has heaven)
What's bad (when you can't speak english)
Just two things (stepped through so many shapes)
Listen (listen, this is how the last night will be)
Nice evening (I went the little way)
Sadness (the shadows don't just change)
Words (alone: you with words)
Come on - (Come on let's talk together)
Last spring (take the forsythia)
A small volume, yellowed pages
Can't be sorrow (In that little bed)

Max Herrmann-Neisse (1886–1941)

Comfort song of the fearful rainy night (no fear of the earth)
Rest on the run (leave me life)
I was once a German poet
Homeless (We are so lost without a home)
The two hunchbacks (Since I am your little hill)

Hans Arp (1886–1966)

Lord Je the nothing is bottomless
into the bottomless (head down)

Georg Trakl (1887–1914)

Music in the Mirabell (a fountain sings)
The beautiful city (Old squares are sunny and silent)
Transfigured autumn (the year ends tremendously)
In autumn (the sunflowers shine on the fence)
Whispered in the afternoon (sun, autumn thin)
In an old register (you keep returning)
Suburb in the Föhn (the site is in the evening)
De profundis (It's a stubble field)
The lonely autumn (the dark autumn is coming)
A winter evening (when the snow falls on the window)
Transfiguration (when evening comes)
Summer (in the evening the lament is silent)
In the east (the wild organs of the winter storm)
Grodek (in the evening the autumn forests resound)

Jakob van Hoddis (1887–1942)

End of the world (The citizen flies from the pointy head)

Kurt Schwitters (1887–1948)

The Mermaid (Once Upon A Man)

Georg Heym (1887–1912)

Berlin II. (Tarred barrels rolled from the thresholds)
The sky turns so black
Oh further, further evening
The prisoners I. (They trample around the courtyard)
The evening (sunken is the day)
Ophelia (a nest of young water rats in her hair)
The demons of the cities (They wander the night)
Dreaming in light blue (All landscapes have)
Last watch (how dark are your temples)
War I. (He got up)
Happiness (it rushes and rushes)
The horizons are getting paler
The night (the low midnight is rainy yellow)
Lights go now the days
In the short evening
The city (This night is very far)
Winterwards (just golden May shine)

Alfred Lichtenstein (1889-1914)

The melancholy (I have a hatred)
Girl (they keep the evening)
Farewell (it was pretty nice)
Prayer before the battle (the crew sings fervently)

Georg von der Vring (1889–1968)

Passion flower (on the railing of the terrace)

Kurt Tucholsky (1890-1935)

Last ride (on the day I died)
Park Monceau (It's pretty here)
Air change (take the train)
The ideal (yes, you want: a villa in the country)
Ideal and Reality (In a silent night)
Out! (One day two must part)
After that (it will end after a happy)
Eyes in the big city (when you go to work)
To the baby (everyone stands around you)

Franz Werfel (1890–1945)

And yet (And yet! Sun and forests are raging by)
The conductor (He hands the violins a flower)
Parents song (children run away)
What remains (as long as the Tatra wind)

Ernst Blass (1890–1939)

In a strange city (I've ended up in a strange city)

Volume 6

Klabund to Paul Celan

Klabund (1890-1928)

Lament of the Guard (General!)
Hold the evening once more
I'm dangling with de Beene (my mother is in bed)
Love song (your mouth that beautiful)
Pogrom (falls on Sunday)
When the Lord God walked on earth

Georg Britting (1891–1964)

The stream (the great stream came)
March (flying over the Isar)
At the temples of Paestum (Here you can breathe)
Blue Easter sky (the storms are sleeping)

Yvan Goll (1891-1950)

The lonely (they hike to the)
Orpheus beguiles the yawning panthers
I don't want to be anything else
I get on every bus
The fear (the fear that feeds)

Johannes R. Becher (1891–1958)

German graves on the Eastern Front (no wooden cross points upwards)
Germany, my sorrow (home, my sorrow)
Rising from the Ruins

Nelly Sachs (1891-1970)

O the chimneys on the ingenious dwellings of death
But who emptied the sand from your shoes?
If only I knew
The lovers are shielded
World, don't ask the death-wracked
Always there where children die

Josef Weinträger (1892–1945)

I love death
Biedermeier (the father says)
December Also Christmond (O Schützemensch, in the life game)
In the grass (bells and cyan)

Werner Bergengruen (1892–1964)

An early spring day (all the wind has gone home)
The Wanderer (The Moon Nebula Rises)

Peter Gan (1894–1974)

The dead (we are getting strangers)
My dead (my friends lie)
In private (I'll be happy to bring you how)
Angina pectoris (I don't know from fear)

Gertrud Kolmar (1894–1943)

Fairy tale (I have in front of your house)
The Jewess (I am a stranger)
The one who thinks (when I'm dead)
Transformations (I want the night)
Obituary (i will die)

Eugen Roth (1895–1976)

The world is full of travel frenzy
A way out (a person who feels)
Art (a person paints)

Walter Mehring (1896–1981)

The Aria of the Great Whore Press (Anyone Who Can Read)
The emigrant chorale (Throw your hearts)
The small hotels (washed ashore from the train station)

Heimito von Doderer (1896–1966)

On the Strudlhofstiege in Vienna (When the leaves)

Theodor Kramer (1897-1958)

Who is ringing the doorbell outside?
The truth is, I wasn't harmed
I'm glad you're dead, father
Lied am Bahndamm (Sweet the black track)
Requiem for a fascist (you were in everything)
Half the night (what did I wake up suddenly?)
The old lovers
It is too late
Come and come back to me, Marie
Oh Marie, I want to escape the day
Exchange (with the dust)

Bertolt Brecht (1898–1956)

Song from my mother. 8th Psalm (I remember her face)
Apfelböck or The Lily on the Field (In mild light)
From the child killer Marie Farrar (Marie Farrar)
From the kindness of the world (To the earth fuller)
Ballad by Hanna Cash (With the skirt of calico)
Memory of Marie A. (That day in the blue)
From the drowned girl (When she drowned)
Legend of the Dead Soldier (And as the War)
Against seduction (don't let yourself be seduced!)
From poor BB (Me, Bertolt Brecht)
Mackie Knife's Moritat (And the Shark)
The pirate jenny (gentlemen, see today)
The Barbara Song (Once I believed)
Pimp ballad (in a time that)
Threepenny finals (you gentlemen, you)
Ballad of the inadequacy of human planning (man lives through the head)
The Ballad of the Celebrities (You Saw Wise Solomon)
The ballad of the pleasant life of the Hitler satraps (The Süchtige Reichsmarschall)
Questions (write me what you)
Germany (O Germany, pale mother!)
General, your tank is a strong car
The plum tree (stands in the courtyard)
United front song (and because man)
Questions from a reading worker (who built)
Legend of the origin of the book Taoteking on the Lao Tzu emigration journey (when he was seventy)
To the later born (Really, I'm alive)
Hollywood Elegies (The Village of Hollywood)
The mask of evil (on my wall)
I, the survivor (I know of course)
The return (the hometown as you find)
Children's anthem (grace does not save)
The poplar from Karlsplatz (a poplar is standing)
The smoke (the little house below)
The wheel change (I'm sitting on the road slope)
The solution (after the uprising)
Bad Morning (The White Poplar)
Modern legend (When the evening across the battlefield)
The chorale of the great Baal (As in the white womb)
The later born (I confess)
Discovery in a young woman (sober farewell in the morning)
Song of Jenny (My Lords, Mine)
Terzinen on love (See those cranes) [The lovers]
And so it ends well
Solidarity song (Up, you peoples of this earth)
I don't need a tombstone, though
About Teaching Without Students (Teaching Without Students)
To read mornings and evenings (The one I love)
Bad time for lyric (I know)
Solomon Song (You saw the wise Solomon)
Children's Crusade 1939 (In Poland, in the year)
From sprinkling the garden (O sprinkling the garden)
To my countrymen (you who survived)
The times change ( The Song of the Vltava )
Weaknesses (you didn't have any)
The bush has seven roses
When I left you afterwards
On a Chinese tea root lion (fear the bad)
Love song from a bad time (We were together)
When I was in the white hospital room of the Charité
Song of Fraternization (I was only seventeen years old)

Friedrich Georg Jünger (1898–1977)

The sundial (all roads led me in a circle)

Elisabeth Langgässer (1899–1950)

Spring 1946 (Holde Anemone)

Erich Kästner (1899–1974)

Born in 1899 (We have women)
Do you know the land where the cannons bloom?
Factual Romance (When they were each other eight years)
Lessing (what he wrote)
The other way (if we won the war)
Familial punching (when people who are)
And where is the positive, Mr. Kästner? (And again and again you send)
Whatever happens! (Whatever happens)
Brief curriculum vitae (who will not be born)
The evolution of mankind (Once upon a time the guys did)
The railway parable (we are all in the same place)
The nerd (from early to late age)
The handstand on the Loreley (The Loreley, known as the fairy)
Morality (there's nothing good)
The final chapter (July 12th of the year)

Oda Schaefer (1900–1988)

Change (I can't take the cloud anymore)

Marie Luise Kaschnitz (1901–1974)

June (I saw more beautiful than ever)
On the beach (Today I saw you again)
Eternity (They say we are)
Ostia antica (through the gates)
Not said
Not brave (The brave know)
At midnight (How do you confidently delete)

Rose Foreigner (1901–1988)

The song is not over yet
A day in exile
Paul Celan (In Hermetic Silence)
Are you still there (throw your fear)

Hans Sahl (1902-1993)

Stanzas (I'm slowly leaving the world)
Charter flight back in time (When they came back)

Peter Huchel (1903–1981)

The happy garden (once we were all)
Havelnacht (behind the gray locks)
Chausseen (strangled evening glow)
Military cemetery (the air is brittle)
Winter psalm (Since I went in sluggish cold)
Theophrast's garden (when the white fire at noon)
Exile (approaching evening)
Estates (estates, unordered)
Under the bare hoe of the moon
King Lear (Under the Quarry)

Jesse Thoor (1905-1952)

In a foreign country (is it like that on earth?)

Günter Eich (1907–1972)

Remote Homesteads (The Chickens and Ducks)
No matter how gray it rains
Inventory (this is my cap)
Latrine (over smelly ditch)
From the train (December bushes and the)
Evening in March (I step in the door)
Wiepersdorf, the Arnim graves (the roses are growing wild)
Letter post (none of the books)
Wake up because your dreams are bad!

Georg Maurer (1907–1971)

On the Neckar Bridge in Heidelberg (this bridge lasted longer)

Albrecht Goes (1908-2000)

The steps (small is my child)

Friedrich Torberg (1908–1979)

Longing for Alt-Aussee (Summer has come again)

Hermann Hakel (1911–1987)

Jewish child 1945 (I have no name)

Ernst Meister (1911–1979)

I make my bed
It seems I am no longer allowed to speak

Rudolf Hagelstange (1912–1984)

Memento (On ​​the waters of Babylon)

Mascha Kaléko (1907–1975)

Interview with myself. Anno thirty-two (I am an émigré child)
Big city love (you learn very quickly somewhere)
Small Havel postcard (the moon hangs like a)
Leaf in the wind (let me thump)
Sonnet in major (I wonder in mine)
Farewell - according to the famous pattern (to divorce means to die)
No comment required (no word is big enough)
The stranger (you only speak of me)
Emigrant monologue (I once had a nice one)
Interview with myself. Post Scriptum Anno Forty-five (I'm a lot now)

Hilde Domin (1912-2006)

Where is our almond tree (I'm in your arms)
Security (in the morning in the white)
With light luggage (don't get used to)
Tender night (the night comes)
Choice (be an almond tree)

Jura Soyfer (1912–1939)

Reformed German hymn (We are in Dachau)

Karl Krolow (1915–1999)

Poem for JS (On the December platform)
Sonnet, or not (you get something to grasp)
Certainty (I feel with certainty)
What was what is
It was the night
Every move (Every move is like)
It's a tickle in the head
Remnants of life (daily around me)

Stephan Hermlin (1915–1997)

The time of miracles (The time of miracles is over)

Christine Lavant (1915–1973)

In the smell of the early fruits
Since today, but forever

Johannes Bobrowski (1917–1965)

Fishing port (in the evening before the boats leave)
Elderflower (Babylon is coming, Isaac)
Report (Bajla yellowing)
Village music (last boat in)
Märkisches Museum (kicking the trees)

Immanuel Weißglas (1920–1979)

He (we raise graves in the air)

Paul Celan (1920-1970)

Homecoming (no hidden voice)
Sea song (love, over my sea)
Death Fugue (Black Milk of the Morning)
The sand from the urns (mold green is the house)
Corona (eats out of your hand)
Brandmal (we didn't sleep anymore)
How time branches
The pitchers (At the long tables of time)
Count the almonds
In memoriam Paul Eluard (Lay words to the dead)
With a changing key
Here (here - that means here)
Cenotaph (scatter your flowers)
You speak too
Psalm (no one kneads us again)
Your roots stay in the air
In the rivers north of the future
Thread suns over the gray-black wasteland
You lie in great eavesdropping
The foreign has us on the net

Friedrich Dürrenmatt (1921–1990)

Antares (saw you sink, saw you rise)
Sirius companion (From the things I saw)

Kurt Marti (1921-2017)

than she was at twenty
intonation (sing to the lord)
easter vision (heaven is happy)

Volume 7

Erich Fried to Durs Grünbein

Erich Fried (1921–1988)

The takers (one does the thinking for us)
Logos (the word is my sword)
The Measures (The Lazy Are Slaughtered)
Fear and doubt (don't doubt)
To the sun, to freedom! (I want to have friends)
Before I die (speak again)
What it is (it's nonsense)
For Karl Kraus (you were the plaintiff)

Hans Carl Artmann (1921-2000)

the green mistletoe is silent
like the juice of a very sweet fruit
in the park where the monsters dwell
soldiers oh soldiers yes

Ilse Aichinger (1921-2016)

Dedication (I am not writing you any letters)
Correspondence (if the post came at night)

Friederike Mayröcker (* 1924)

Poem with a motto (I'm thirsty)
wrong movement (yesterday while parting)
of a poppy in the middle of the city (gushing out of my head)

Ernst Jandl (1925-2000)

summer song (we are the people)
Icarus (he flew up)
trampled man blues (I can't raise my hand)
clearing (some think)
ottos pug (ottos pug defies)
father come tell me about the war
congratulations (we all wish everyone)
in god (that believed in god)
the real bird (catch a love blackbird)

Elisabeth Borchers (1926-2013)

eia water rains sleep
Forgotten birthday (who's on my chair)

Dagmar Nick (* 1926)

Hubris (we're not the same anymore)
Vision (the cities will be ashes)

Ingeborg Bachmann (1926–1973)

The extra time (harder days are coming)
Every day (the war will no more)
The great freight (The great freight of summer)
Early noon (the linden tree is still green)
The game is over (my dear brother)
It's fire under the ground
What is true
To the sun (more beautiful than the considerable one)
Tell me love (your hat comes off)
But I am lying alone
Advertising (but where are we going)
Exile (I am dead)
Bohemia is by the sea (houses here are green)

Christa Reinig (1926-2008)

Robinson (sometimes he cries)
The avenger (I never have my mouth)
The ballad of the bloody Bomme (honored audience)
The grandson drinks (we kiss the steel)
Listen away! (no more word should)
God created the sun (I call the wind)
Before leaving (they came looking)

Ludwig Harig (1927-2018)

The writing subject (if the person grabs the pen)

Günter Grass (1927-2015)

Polish flag (a lot of cherries coming out)
Nursery rhyme (who's laughing here)
Marriage (we have children)
King Lear (In the hall)
Kleckerburg (Gestrichnes Korn)
March (they mix again)
In the middle of life (I think of the dead)
Constant rain (fear is about)
Last three wishes (come dance with me)
Dance in the snow (After so much fickle weather)
Joined to a pair (two beeches from one root)
Kara (our pooch is dead)

Hertha Kräftner (1928–1951)

In the evening (he hit her)
Drunk night (the gin tastes the same)
Village evening (by the white oleander)

Günter Kunert (1929-2019)

Recommendation (recommendation not yourself)
As an unnecessary luxury
The fishes fly
Deadline (and sun was and)
Brother Kleist (burden of legends: you carry)
Tomorrow (the light is like this now)
Vision at the Oberbaumbrücke (Berlin you late city of the dead)
Freezer (The Dead Fish)

Walter Helmut Fritz (1929-2010)

Don Juan (There will be no penalty)

Peter Rühmkorf (1929-2008)

The very decided evasion song (Feinsliebchen, so seductive)
On Summer's Grill (On Summer's Grill)
Heinrich Heine Memorial Song (Ting - tang - Tellerlein)
In a manner of Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff (In a bone head)
De mortuis or: defamation (slowly the wounds close)
High rope (we do gymnastics in highest)
About the one (that's the shame)
Stay shakable and resist (So today: for the first)
What is only once (Sometimes you wonder)
Everything is dark, everything is cloudy
Zersunge Lieder III (There were two royal children)
Just wanted to ask
Pious wish (wish me in heaven)

Hans Magnus Enzensberger (* 1929)

Lock song (my wisdom is a rush)
Sleep (leave me tonight)
Hôtel Fraternité (who has no money)
Testamentary disposition (show me the flag)
Into the high school reader (don't read odes, son)
Defense of the wolves against the lambs (should the vulture forget-me-not)
Middle Class Blues (We can't complain)
Doubt (remains, by and large)
The end of the owls (I'm talking about yours)
FC (1810–1849) (A cheerful child)
Flight of thought (for the time being it is still running)
Flight of thought I. (As if it were just behind)
Escape from thoughts II. (Something you care about)
Flight of thought III. (That it is not included)
Flight of thought IV. (The little pilgrim)
Nude recording (the thunder in August night)

Horst Bienek (1930–1990)

Garden party (late at night)
Berlin, Chausseestraße 125 (you have to wear your shoes)

Thomas Bernhard (1931–1989)

Below is the city

Jürgen Becker (* 1932)

See you after a long time (In this village)

Reiner Kunze (* 1933)

The end of art (you mustn't)
The silhouette of Lübeck (so that the earth sticks)
Thought of supplication at your feet (Die earlier than me)
The wall (as we dragged it)
First love (Mr. Driver, Mr. Driver)

Peter Härtling (1933–2017)

old game (after all)
To Mörike (if towards evening)
The Mörsinger poplar

Volker von Törne (1934–1980)

Official notice (the soup is on)
Ulenspiegel (The drinker is drowned)
On the ground of the constitution (My father is in front)
Idyll (chirps in the grass)
Free as a bird (I am a poet)

Yaak Karsunke (* 1934)

scab 1 to 3
1 - anecdote from the last Prussian war (in the concentration camp)
2 - how to recognize communists (before they are killed)
3 - death & transfiguration (who fell over)
pretty free. to Brecht (when the house collapsed)
to the beautiful view (the perpetrators - you can hear)

Wulf Kirsten (* 1934)

Unforgettable moment (summer strikes)
On the doorstep (sometimes in the morning)

Rainer Kirsch (1934-2015)

2005 (Our grandchildren become us)
Reception in my hometown (With carpets are)
Appreciation (also the officials)
Scholar's Song (When I Was Young)

Heinz Czechowski (1935-2009)

Theresienstadt (O beautiful country, between the mountains)
As for me (legal guardian)
Good week (the house that i am in)

Sarah Kirsch (1935-2013)

Sad day (i am a tiger)
With the white pansies
I wanted to kill my king
Black beans (in the afternoon I take)
Nobody left me
I would like to hold a candle to Droste
Message from Lesbos (I deviate and)
The air already smells of snow
For two (Better to starve for two)
That evening, Bettina [Wiepersdorf 9]
The rest of the thread (kite flying. Game)
The snow is black in my city
Lost (the bed has fallen)
Free verse (I woke up last night)

Christoph Meckel (1935-2020)

Sweet person (sweet person, grab yours)
Poem about writing poetry (I wanted to write)
Talk of the poem (The poem is not)
The cherry trees (we know that)
I slept there at night [song]

Karl Mickel (1935-2000)

Maischnee (She said nothing when I did)
Child mouth (what a racket is that!)

Helga M. Novak (1935-2013)

Rest till the gun light (a poacher's night)
disintegrate (after my death the soul)

Rolf Haufs (1935–2013)

The informer (carries dead birds in his)
In front of a bombed church (before the rooster three more times)
A man's death (My father died when)
Three stanzas (my life is in pieces)

Wolf Biermann (* 1936)

Small town sunday (let's go)
Berlin, you German German woman
Inaugural Address of the Singer (The Once Before the Machine Guns)
Encouragement (you don't get hardened)
Question and answer and question (It means: You can't)
Song of the thundering life (it can't do everything)
And when we got to shore
Ballad of the Prussian Icarus (There, where Friedrichstrasse gently)
I may be wrong
Portrait of a young woman (I know where I'm from)
Only those who change remain true to themselves (I swam through blood)
I'm not worried about Germany at all

Kurt Bartsch (1937-2010)

The minstrel (It was a minstrel)
Little Red Riding Hood and Mr. Wolf (Little Red Riding Hood, thirteen years old)
Brecht (it's just in case)
Adolf Hitler all alone
The washerwoman is dead

Robert Gernhardt (1937-2006)

Seven times my body (My body is a defenseless)
Double encounter on Sperlonga beach (the sun was already up)
After walking through Metzingen (I want to praise you)
Torrent of words (first it drips word for word)
All right and clear and true (There are those four white ones)
The last guest (In the shadow of mine)
Oh (oh, still in the last one)
Clinic song (So I'm lying here)
When he shook a skull (It lay so rigid)

Volker Braun (* 1939)

The fief (I stay in the country)
Spiegelgasse (look inside. The crooked one)
The beer garden (fresh under the trees)
The breakfast (beloved me)
The property (I'm still there)

Bernd Jentzsch (* 1940)

Arioso (I am the rushed one)

Rolf Dieter Brinkmann (1940–1975)

Self-portrait in the supermarket (In a large one)
Mourning on the laundry wire in January (a piece of wire)

Karin Kiwus (* 1942)

Little reminder of progress (yeah, back when we were kids)

Dieter Leisegang (1942–1973)

Lonely and alone (lonely is still to live)

Friedrich Christian Delius (* 1942)

Anthem (I'm scared of you)
Moritat on Helmut Hortens fear and end (hoarding lies flat)

Doris Runge (* 1943)

fly (I let you fly my wings)
in the rearview mirror (at childhood)
summer (that was a haemorrhage of roses)
laugh (on all channels)
of course (could I before)
the longing for the dead (the ring wants the finger)

Wolf Wondratschek (* 1943)

In the cars (we were quiet)
End station (I was standing at the bus stop)

Michael Krüger (* 1943)

The Journey to Jerusalem (Greece's Stone Fist)
Where I was born (my grandfather could)

Robert Schindel (* 1944)

Cold song (and you have nothing in your mouth)
Nullsucht 2. (From the dining car of the intercity train)
Vineta 1. (I am a Jew from Vienna)

Thomas Brasch (1945-2001)

Song (clouds yesterday and rain)
Lullaby for K. (night or day or now)
The beautiful November 27th (today the post office)

Franz Xaver Kroetz (* 1946)

Comfort me (comfort me - I have you)

Ulla Hahn (* 1945)

Decent sonnet (come on, bite you tight)
Winter song (When I heard from you today)
Blind spots (That we are so divided)
For an aviator (When you're in the bag)
Ars poetica (thanks, I don't need any)
Finally (finally drunk and honest)
Cat meal (everything is edible in Roma)
Error (and with love)

Peter Maiwald (1946-2008)

Hanne (her red hair)
I was hungry
Liedel (Did I have a child)
Visit (there's a mountain)
Folk song (A people of deserters)
Last hour (last hour)
The farewell (when I took her to the train station)

André Heller (* 1947)

My dearest, put away the shadows

Thomas Rosenlöcher (* 1947)

The angel in the railroad hat (he stands in the snow)

Friederike Roth (* 1948)

The old goings-on (what, love)

Werner Söllner (1951–2019)

What remains (the house of the world)

Hans-Ulrich Treichel (* 1952)

Border crossing (then I finally understood)
Good luck (good luck and best regards)

Kurt Drawert (* 1956)

... to German songs (I am all by myself)
With Heine (This country we're talking about)

Uwe Kolbe (* 1957)

Even before you're here (I know which verse)
For starters (I want it to start here)
Star seeker (the one, i hear, at night)

Steffen Mensching (* 1958)

Memory of a frosted glass pane (January was snowy)

Barbara Köhler (* 1959)

Rondeau Allemagne (I wait in the country)
Good day (always standing in the rain afterwards)

Durs Grünbein (* 1962)

On the subway early in the morning
Negligent use of a hot air dryer
She takes me
How dangerous rituals are
Cosmopolitan (From my furthest journey back)

Albert Ostermaier (* 1967)

mono (you shouldn't have any gods)
warm start (that loving is hotter)

Steffen Jacobs (* 1968)

Kindertodtenlied (We would like you to)


The anthology of the essays caused him a lot of "grief", as Reich-Ranicki emphatically emphasizes. Even the choice of the title “Essays” was hotly debated. Because Reich-Ranicki wanted to take into account not only essays, but also film , literature , music , theater reviews , feature sections, speeches , diaries , aphorisms and letters , i.e. all non-fictional literature. The more apt term "essayistic" is of course unsuitable as a title for an object for sale.

The collection begins with Luther . Schiller, in Reich-Ranicki's eyes the most brilliant essayist with German tongue, and Goethe are prominently represented. Even Jünger , an author “foreign” to Reich Ranicki, is part of this canon with diary literature. In contrast to this, Reich-Ranicki's view, once presented in the Literary Quartet , stands : “This is not a diary, a diary is not a literary form at all; Diary is big shit. Always! ”Later he expressed himself in a more nuanced way and also recognized this form.

Reich-Ranicki said in an interview with Focus in 2006 that no diaries and letters should be canonized, otherwise the project would come to nothing.

The essay canon is structured as follows:

  1. From Martin Luther to Arthur Schopenhauer
  2. From Leopold von Ranke to Rosa Luxemburg
  3. From Heinrich Mann to Joseph Roth
  4. From Bertolt Brecht to Golo Mann
  5. From Max Frisch to Durs Grünbein

The Insel Verlag summarizes this anthology as follows: "The essay canon contains 255 articles from 166 authors, [...] - Essays about Germany and the Germans, essays on literature, art and music, theater and film reviews, speeches on politics and society: German culture and history in authentic evidence. "


In 2015 the writer Hannes Bajohr published his novel Average , which is based on Reich-Ranicki's canon of novels. For this book, Bajohr analyzed the twenty-text slipcase of the series and calculated the average sentence length (18 words). Using a computer script, he generated a book that only contained these average sentences of 18 words, which he then sorted alphabetically and divided into chapters.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. “Noah's Ark of Books” ( memento from June 19, 2010 in the Internet Archive ), Volker Hage and Johannes Saltzwedel: Noah's Ark of Books . In: Der Spiegel . No. 25 , 2001, p. 206-210 ( online - 18 June 2001 ).
  2. ^ "Literature must be fun.", 2008 ( Memento from December 17, 2008 in the Internet Archive )
  3., 2010 ( Memento from July 4, 2010 in the Internet Archive )
  4. Marcel Reich-Ranicki: Literarisches Quartett , there in a discussion on Durs Grünbein: The First Year , December 14, 2001, ZDF
  5. ^ "Death is the greatest catastrophe" , Focus , November 19, 2006
  6., 2009 ( Memento from April 17, 2009 in the Internet Archive )
  7. Archive link ( Memento of the original from February 22, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /