Álmos (Grand Duke)

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Álmos (* approx. 820 ; † 895 ?) Was the grand prince of the Magyars who moved away from Magna Hungaria . His father was Elöd, his mother's name was Emese.

The name

Various theories exist about the origin of its name. The original saga of the Árpád dynasty reports on the “dream of Emese” (see also: the Turul saga ), in which the mother foresaw that “a great dynasty will arise from her womb”, but whose rulers “will be kings of distant lands”.

Another theory says that the name Álmos' has one of the connotations of the Latin almus , namely "holy".

In contemporary Greek chronicles (by Konstantinos , Georgios Monachos and Leon Grammatikos ) his name appears as Salmus or Samultes .

Géza Nagy (Az Álmos-monda. Sepsi-Szentgyörgy, 1884) claims that Szálmos is an old Hungarian form of "sun". The researcher thinks that the saga of Álmos is actually a sun hymn, and that the birth of Álmos symbolizes the creation of the sun.

Álmos the first Grand Duke of the Magyars

The Hungarian chronicler of the Gesta Hungarorum writes that Álmos was the Grand Duke of the Magyars who were leaving Magna Hungaria. The people of the Magyars then had seven tribes; Nyék (i), Megyer (i), Kürtgyarmat, Tarján, Jenő, Kéri, Keszi. The princes of these tribes chose Álmos as their grand prince, under whose hand the whole Magyar people united. This pact is called “the blood pact” in Hungarian mythology, in which the relationships between the individual princes as well as between the grand duke and the princes were regulated.

Álmos' son Árpád probably became Grand Duke when the Magyars moved to Etelköz .

Álmos probably died in Etelköz in 895, he was 76 years old. The Chronicles of Buda, Pressburg and Vienna, or the Chronicle of Thuróczy, also known as Chronica Hungarorum, report on Álmos' death . According to these stories, he never entered the land of Pannonia ("non potuit intrare terram Pannoniae").
